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About Study Course

Department: Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE)
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Nadija Strazdiņa
Study type:Full time
Course level:First level
Target audience:Pedagogy; Sports Trainer
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Sports Science


To promote acquisition of such inclusive sports education study experience by future specialists, which promotes the implementation of an inclusive educational environment and prepares specialists for the achievement of individual educational objectives of children with special educational needs.


Study courses mastered: Teacher’s Professional Skills, Civil Protection, State Security and Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development, Teaching and Learning in the Context of Diversity, Business and Accounting, Educational Psychology for Teachers, Biomechanics and Ergonomics, Human Anatomy and Dynamic Anatomy, Management of Educational Institution, Foundations and Methodology of Obstacle Overcoming, Foundations and Methodology of Moving Objects, Foundations and Methodology of Moving, History of Sport, Philosophy of Sport.

Learning outcomes


Theory of Inclusive Sports Education:
1. To demonstrate knowledge of the principles and strategies for adapting the content of the curriculum and the curriculum.
2. Knows special educational needs (various functional capacity, mobility, cognitive, social, behavioural, communication needs).
3. Demonstrates knowledge of the awareness and attitudes of students, teachers and other members of the interdisciplinary education team regarding the involvement of students with SENs in sports education.
Content of Adapted Physical Activity Programmes:
1. To demonstrate comprehensive and sport-specific knowledge of planning, assessment, implementation, midterm assessment of inclusive sports classes and assessment of the need for modifications to the study process. Critical thinking approach to APA in education; setting measurable targets for students with SENs. Strengths and weaknesses of the school’s sports education curriculum in relation to adapted physical education.
Student-Centred Approach in Adapted Physical Activities:
2. To demonstrate comprehensive and sport-specific knowledge of the holistic approach in education for theories in adapted physical activities.
3. Knowledge about assessment of academic performance of students with SENs on the basis of the objectives of their individual education plan (IEP); about the appropriate tools for assessing the education goals to assess students’ progress on the basis of their IEP.
Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Inclusive Education:
1. To demonstrate knowledge about cooperation with other specialists implementing PE/APE.
2. Demonstrates knowledge about cooperation with representatives of sports and recreation services for the disabled and about cooperation with other persons caring for students with SENs.


Theory of Inclusive Sports Education:
4. Using theoretical basics learned in the pedagogical foundations in adapted physical activities, students demonstrate the skills to assess the suitability of the curriculum for individual needs and abilities.
5. Able to use appropriate assessment methods to determine the students’ functional capacity and be able to carry out an assessment for students corresponding to their potential and performance. Skills to develop an individual education plan (IEP) for PE.
Content of Adapted Physical Activity Programmes:
2. To plan such an adapted physical education (APE) learning experience that promotes individual development. To prepare an individual sports education plan for students with special educational needs.
3. To plan the most appropriate communication strategies for students with special educational needs.
4. To take responsibility and initiative through study and practical work, individually or in a team.
5. To assess the suitability of the curriculum for individual needs and abilities of students with SENs.
Student-Centred Approach in Adapted Physical Activities:
3. To use an individually appropriate assessment in accordance with the IEP.
4. To assess the suitability of the adapted curriculum to students with SENs.
5. To use the assessment of the suitability of the curriculum for individual needs and abilities.
6. Effectiveness of the teaching and support strategies used.
Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Inclusive Education:
3. To cooperate with health care and rehabilitation specialists (for example, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, psychologist) in the planning and implementation of IEP for students with SENs.
4. To cooperate with parents or guardians of students with SENs.
5. To communicate and cooperate with relevant disability organisations in the neighbourhood to find out about cooperation opportunities (e.g. with the Special Olympics, local sports clubs, with non-governmental organisations).


Theory of Inclusive Sports Education:
6. Students are able to skilfully analyse the results obtained: to plan inclusive sports classes to provide appropriate and safe learning methods for all students. To plan appropriate behaviour management strategies, plan motivational strategies for motivating students to participate in physical activities, to apply appropriate communication strategies.
Content of Adapted Physical Activity Programmes:
7. To apply an individually appropriate assessment in accordance with the IEP.
8. To apply the suitability of the adapted curriculum to students with SENs.
9. Effectiveness of the teaching and support strategies used.
10. To use the suitability principles of teaching strategies according to individual SENs.
11. To use the suitability of support strategies.
Student-Centred Approach in Adapted Physical Activities:
7. To assess and use the principles of individual suitability of the teaching strategies in APA.
8. To assess the suitability of support strategies used.
9. To use knowledge of the content of APA in practical activity – by drawing up APA lesson abstracts for school’s sports classes.
Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Inclusive Education:
6. To establish professional cooperation to improve the quality of teaching strategies used for students with SENs in a sports class.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Sports and education specialist (preschool sports teacher), PSS 2First levelLimited choiceNadija Strazdiņa
Sports and education specialist (sports coach), SVT 2First levelLimited choiceNadija Strazdiņa