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About Study Course

Department: Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE)
Credit points / ECTS:1.33 / 2
Course supervisor:Maija Dzintare
Study type:Full time, Part-time (Off site)
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Sports Trainer
Branch of science:Sports Science


To ensure the competence of senior athletic discipline coaches to choose a diet appropriate to the athlete’s age, gender, health condition and sport.


Prior knowledge in sports biochemistry, foundations of physiology, sports physiology and hygiene is required

Learning outcomes


1. Main macro- and micro nutrients.
2. Dietary supplements and ergogenic aids.
3. Functions and energy value of carbohydrates, proteins, fats.
4. Role of vitamins and minerals.
5. Possibilities of energy consumption and recovery with a diet, importance the balance of calories consumed and restored.


Using the theoretical basics learned in nutrition science and the skills of determining and interpreting nutrition indicators, is able to successfully prepare a menu for different athletic disciplines.
Students can find data independently to perform these tasks.


Students are able to skilfully analyse the results obtained: to determine calories consumed and restored in specific athletic disciplines, compare the importance of different nutrients in endurance and strength trainings.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Sports science, SpZ 7Bachelor’sLimited choiceMaija Dzintare
Sports science, SpZNn 9Bachelor’sRequiredMaija Dzintare