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Wild Things is an international symposium that will advance an interdisciplinary discussion about wilderness as a cultural and social practice to unpack its potential for a more sustainable future.

Drawing on Jack Halberstam’s notion of the wild as a terrain of alternative formulations, a retreat from the conventional, and a provocation, we explore its intuitive association with the more-than-human world, to envision unbounded and unpredictable scenarios in theoretical and empirical research that can emerge at the intersection of social sciences, humanities, economy, environmental sciences and art.

In the symposium, we aim to find our way to, through, and with the wild things in a collective and collaborative endeavour. While navigating the assembly of meanings attached to the wild, the guests of the symposium will contribute to a multifaceted perspective with a focus on wild environments and the identities and traditions they maintain. We will look at the wild as a source of subsistence and income, a way of cultural critique, and as a creative force that transforms society.

Linda Boļšakova. From “Biology of Love". Photo by Kristīne Madjare, 2021. Courtesy of the artist. Photo created for the exhibition “Lauka pētījumi”. Curator Aleksejs Beļeckis. The belt displayed in the photo has been wreathed from nettles and plastic bags and is part of a performance outfit.

Linda Boļšakova. From “Biology of Love". Photo: Kristīne Madjare, 2021. Courtesy of the artist.
Photo created for the exhibition “Lauka pētījumi”. Curator: Aleksejs Beļeckis.
The belt displayed in the photo has been wreathed from nettles and plastic bags and is part of a performance outfit.


Confirmed speakers include:

  • Leanne Townsend, Senior Research Scientist at the James Hutton Institute (Scotland)
  • Lukasz Luczaj, Professor of biological sciences at University of Rzeszów (Poland)
  • Evelina Höglund, Researcher Food Process Design at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden (Sweden)
  • Rimvydas Laužikas, Professor of Digital Heritage of the Faculty of Communication at Vilnius University (Lithuania)
  • Rainer Peltola, Senior Scientist at Natural Resource Institute (Finland)
  • Hanna Muttilainen, Research Scientist at Natural Resource Institute (Finland)
  • Rūta Šlapkauskaitė, Associate Professor at Vilnius University (Lithuania)
  • Marta Maria Wódz, PhD researcher at KU Leuven (Belgium)
  • Andra Simanova, Latvian Mycological Society (Latvia)
  • Jana Kukaine, Lead Researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences (Latvia)
  • Mikelis Grivins, Research Professor at Riga Stradins University (Latvia)

The venue

The symposium will take place in the historical building of Āgenskalns Market. Open since 1898, Āgenskalns Market is the largest and oldest market on the left bank of the Daugava River and holds the status of a national cultural monument.


The symposium is part of the project "RSU internal and RSU with LSPA external consolidation”, No. Postdoctoral Grant “Vegetal Agency and Contemporary Art: Towards Sustainable Relationships with a More-Than-Human World”, No. RSU-PG-2024/1-0003

RSU consolidation logo


Āgenskalns Market

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