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The opening of the Research Latvia 2025 calendar and exhibition will to celebrate Latvian scientists will take place on 8 January at 16.00. This year’s calendar features Renāte Ranka, Tenured Professor at the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Institute of Public Health and Acting Lead Researcher and Professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

Now in its eighth year, the Research Latvia calendar and exhibition, which is produced by the Ministry of Education and Science, highlights Latvian scientists spanning different generations, genders, scientific fields, and institutions, showcasing the strength and diversity of Latvian science.

The Research Latvia 2025 calendar brings together twelve of Latvia's leading scientific institutions, demonstrating their outstanding research achievements. These achievements highlight Latvia's significant role in both the European research environment and the global scientific community.

Twelve scientific personalities—six women and six men—contribute to the development of interdisciplinary, national, and world-class science centres with their unique research.

Please confirm your participation by 19 December 2024.



Jāzepa Vītola Latvijas Mūzikas akadēmijas Ērģeļu zālē

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