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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:3 / 4.5
Course supervisor:Kristaps Zaļais
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Business Management
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Management


The aim of the study course is to get acquainted with the advantages and risks of different markets, to acquire practical skills of testing and validating assumptions and hypotheses brought forward in business models.


Business model design, English.

Learning outcomes


Upon successful completion of this course, students are able to assess their potential business and/or business idea in a comprehensive manner, whether it has potential, and if so, in which markets the potential is the greatest and how to properly utilise the opportunities offered by this market.


Ability to orientate in different markets of the world and the opportunities they offer.
Ability to critically evaluate (test the truth of different business hypotheses/assertions/assumptions). Text analysis skills. Ability to test hypotheses and assumptions of one’s business model.


Ability to determine whether the proposed business hypothesis is viable, to find the right outlet for a particular product.

Study course planning

Course planning not avalible right now.