Introduction to Surgery (KK_008)
About Study Course
To teach basic knowledge in surgery and to master basic practical skills.
Anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathological physiology, pathological anatomy and microbiology.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the study course students acquire basic knowledge and comprehension about different kind of wounds, wound healing and treatment principles; knowledge about specific wounds (gunshot wounds, stab wounds, bite wounds, etc.) epidemiology and treatment peculiarities; traumatic wound management; modern wound dressings. Knowledge about wound infection, possible infection transmission mechanisms in surgery department, infection reduction, prevention and management methods. Basic knowledge about surgical, skin and soft tissue infection management. Comprehension about antibacterial treatment indications and application principles in surgery, prophylactic antibacterial treatment principles, possible antibacterial therapy complications and complications prevention. Students also acquire basic skills in surgical patient investigation; definition and importance of "Status localis" concept. Preoperative epicrisis and patient preparation for operation. Deepened insight into principles and manifestation of bleeding, methods and means of hemostasis, basics of isoserology and transfusiology. Summary about blood transfusion requirements and documentation, blood components, blood substitutes and alternatives to blood transfusions. Basic knowledge about principles of surgical operation, types of incisions, surgical instruments, principles of drainage and applicable medical technologies and techniques; most frequent complications of surgical operations and procedures and their prophylaxis, treatment. Overview about classification of postoperative period and patient monitoring, principles of surgical patient nutrition, complications of early and late postoperative period. General information about history of development of surgery.
On completion of the study course, the student will have skills to be prepared for surgical manipulations such as hand scrub, gown and glove procedures. Techniques for aseptic dressing and procedures. Surgical knot tying. Principles of local anesthesia. Types of suture material and suturing techniques. Surgical knot tying. Wound closure technique. Skills to follow infections control procedures in surgical ward, ability to apply temporary and final methods of hemostasis; skills to determine patients blood group and crossmatch tests; skills to investigate surgical patient and local tissue changes. Students will have basic skills in surgical instruments, as well as principles of access to serous and abscess cavities and overview of operating room technologies.
In the study process of this course students will be able to discover the source of the hospital infections, will be competent about wounds and their healing process. Students will be able to explain most common bleeding sources, evaluate patient condition as well as advise methods of temporary and final hemostasis. Students will be competent in principles of transfusiology, surgical operation, postoperative management, principles of postoperative monitoring as well as early and late postoperative complications; will be able to differ skin and soft tissue infections and give advice in treatment principles.