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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:3 / 4.5
Course supervisor:Kristaps Zaļais
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Business Management
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Management


The aim of the course is to provide students with knowledge and practical skills on start-up marketing.



Learning outcomes


Students gain knowledge of start-up marketing features, techniques, methods, and implementation thereof. Students gain knowledge of how social media works in disseminating information.


Ability to orientate oneself in the marketing names, definitions and phrases used by start-ups; understand financial and analytical indicators of marketing; acquire growth hacking and guerrilla marketing skills in product development, do budgeting for start-up marketing activities.
Ability to effectively inform the public about a start-up.
Ability to create a brand and create quality content for it.


Ability to evaluate marketing financial and analytical indicators of a start-up.
Ability to attract more customers with low financial resources and innovative marketing techniques.
Ability to find and focus on a start-up’s target audience.

Study course planning

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