Dance and Movement Therapy II (VPUPK_010)
About Study Course
To develop MA students' skills to choose and use methods and techniques according to the situation and the specificity of the group of clients/patients, to provide MA students with an opportunity to master dance movement therapy methods and techniques in dealing with different groups of clients/patients, to develop the skills to apply therapeutic interventions and techniques in the therapeutic process appropriately.
Learning outcomes
1.Describe and compare various DMT theories and explain the peculiarities of DMT process organisation while dealing with various groups of clients/patients in different stages of process. Describe the specificity of the individual and group DMT process.
1.Choose DMT methods and techniques appropriately for different groups of clients/patients, set DMT aims, develops a DMT strategy that is appropriate to the purpose and difficulties and needs of the client/patient group. MA students apply DMT methods and techniques according to the aim of DMT in a simulation and therapeutic situation, lead the DMT process, analyse DMT dynamics and evaluate the obtained results. MA students can partially execute protocols. MA students demonstrate the skills to establish contact with the client/patient in a simulation situation and develop therapeutic relationships, empathically reflect, adapt, provide client/patient verbal and non-verbal support, facilitate change.
1.Gain experience in choosing the DMT methods and techniques, leading DMT process in a simulation situation. Demonstrate the abilities to analyse the DMT process, the strengths and weaknesses of their own collaboration with the patient, have experience in self-reflection.
Study course planning
Study programme | Study semester | Program level | Study course category | Lecturers | Schedule |
Art Therapy | 4 | Master's | Limited choice | Kristīne Vende-Kotova, Indra Majore-Dūšele |