RSU Library in collaboration with partners organizes "Baltic-German Summer School on Systematic Reviews"
The Library of Riga Stradins University in collaboration with Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Medical Library (Germany) and Baltic partners from the Library and Information Centre of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lithuania) and Tartu University Hospital Library (Estonia) are organising the "Baltic-German Summer School on Systematic Reviews".
In evidence-based practice, systematic reviews are consistently regarded as the highest-level evidence. It is recommended that researchers elicit the early collaboration of an information specialist or medical librarian when planning a review. Librarians increasingly often take part in research groups, conduct searches and critically evaluate information, becoming an important part of the research process.
To enhance our knowledge about systematic reviews, RSU Library will create a "Baltic Summer School on Systematic Reviews" for medical librarians from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. By using field experts' skills and experience, we could be well-equipped to adapt international best practices to our local context and everyday work. Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Medical Library has a broad experience by leading workshops and lectures on systematic review process to students and scientists. When attending the lectures, theory is learned, but RSU planned concept of summer school is to create systematic review step by step with hands on tasks.
Project duration: 03.03.2025. – 30.09.2025.
Duration of the summer school: 28.07.2025. – 01.08.2025.
Countries and institutions involved in the project:
- Latvia: Riga Stradins University Library (
- Germany: Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Medical Library (
- Lithuania: Library and Information Centre of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (
- Estonia: Tartu University Hospital Library (
This project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany. | ![]() |