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Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) awarded the first Honorary Doctorate degree (Doctor Honoris Causa) on 26 June 1990, when the Scientific Council passed the respective decision. The title is conferred by the Senate of RSU for distinguished accomplishments and substantial contribution to the development of Latvia as well as RSU. 

Doctor Honoris Causa 2024

On 28 May 2024, Prof. Amulya Kumar Saxena was conferred the title of Honorary Doctor of RSU.

Prof. Saxena's relationship with RSU has developed over several years. The experienced, world-renowned paediatric surgeon from the UK has visited Latvia on several occasions and has provided invaluable guidance and support to our academic community. Particularly important is the PhD thesis by Mohit Kakar, "Role of multiple biomarkers in predicting the diagnosis and severity of acute appendicitis in children", that he supervised and which was submitted to RSU in 2023. His advice and experience have greatly enriched our research capabilities and academic excellence.


Doctor Honoris Causa 2020

On Tuesday, 19 May 2020, Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, former President of Latvia (1999–2007) was granted the title of RSU Honorary Doctor (Doctor Honoris Causa) for her long term support for Latvian education and international visibility for research. She has also supported the professional development of social sciences lecturers at RSU, including furthering internationally significant research on regional and transnational relations.

Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga has urged Latvia to increase its international visibility with the bright minds and capabilities of its people. Following this call, RSU opted for a path of development focused on Western Europe and its values fifteen years ago and started promoting its education internationally. Today RSU has the largest number of international students in the Baltic States.

Vīķe-Freiberga has said that any education, no matter how specialised it is, provides general skills in self-discipline, purposefulness, willpower, and work ethic. These are the characteristics of someone who is able to take responsibility and make decisions independently. This approach to education, promoting responsibility and versatility, has always been promoted at RSU.

The former president has established extensive cooperation with the RSU Faculty of European Studies, amongst others with Dean Prof. Andris Sprūds and lecturer Mārtiņš Daugulis. Vīķe-Freiberga is also a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and supports the development of the European Foreign Policy Scorecard. Many lecturers and students at the RSU Faculty of European Studies have participated in drafting the edition for several years. Vīķe-Freiberga has fostered experience exchange for lecturers and students from the RSU Faculty of European Studies and their participation in various international conferences and forums. Additionally, she has established a scholarship within the Vītols Fund, which is granted to three students each year. 


On 19 May 2020, the title of RSU Honorary Doctor was awarded to the Chairman of the Vītols Foundation Council, patron Vilis Vītols, for his long-term and selfless contribution to the professional growth and development of RSU students.

The Vītols Fund was established on 4 April 2002 with the aim to grant scholarships to help hard-working, talented young people to study at Latvian universities. The initiative undertaken by the Vītols family appealed to many others who have since joined and entrusted their scholarships to the Vītols Fund.

Currently, more than 200 donors support the Vītols Fund. Thanks to the Fund’s support approximately 40 young people receive these scholarships annually and can start their studies at RSU. Approximately 150 students at RSU receive scholarships from the Fund each year. Students continue to receive the scholarship until they graduate. The Fund also provides special scholarships to those undergoing their residency training. Over the last 18 years, the Fund has provided support to nearly 500 RSU students, disbursing more than half a million euros in scholarships.


On 19 May 2020, the title of RSU Honorary Doctor was awarded to the creator of the Vītols Fund Scholarship, pediatrician Zaiga Alksne-Phillips, for her long-term and unselfish contribution to the professional growth and development of RSU students, supporting education, international experience exchange and pediatric research.

Zaiga Alksne-Phillips is a paediatrician from the United States of Latvian descent who visited Latvia for the first time in 1987. She has since then selflessly provided Latvian children and medical institutions with help and support, shared her experience of treating children with local doctors and consulted patients. Employees from the Department of Paediatrics of the RSU Faculty of Medicine have had a long, professional relationship with Zaiga Alksne-Phillips.

Employees from the department meet with her every year to exchanging information about current topics in paediatrics, discuss children’s healthcare and exchange books and journals as gifts. Zaiga Alksne-Phillips’ contribution to paediatric training in both the United States and Latvia is of particularly high value. In 2010, Zaiga Alksne-Phillips founded a scholarship named after her to support paediatricians.


Doctor Honoris Causa 2019

On 1 April 2019 Professor Matthew Goldsmith was awarded the RSU Honorary Doctorate degree. He is a professor at the Washington University in St. Louis (USA) and the Medical Director of the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at St. Louis Children's Hospital, a Paediatric Intensive Care Specialist, Paediatrician and Reanimatologist.

Professor Goldsmith is a long-standing visiting professor of the RSU Faculty of Continuing Education and the Department of Paediatrics of the Faculty of Medicine. Professor Goldsmith has trained both RSU undergraduate and residency students as well as academic staff and physicians.

Professor Goldsmith has conducted lectures, module-type practical classes on various simulated clinical cases at RSU, and drafted e-study materials. In addition, he re-introduced a rotation course that was part of the residency programme, reviewed a practical handbook on intensive care, and carried out the supervision and analysis of medical mistakes while visiting the RSU clinical training centre at the Children’s Clinical University Hospital (CCUH). The professor conducted the first in situ simulations in Latvia at the CCUH Intensive Care Unit by training students of the RSU Department of Continuing Education. He also ensured that this training would continue to take place on a regular basis.

Professor Matthew Goldsmith

On 1 April 2019, Professor Eugene Minevich was awarded the RSU Honorary Doctorate degree. He is a Professor at the Urology Clinic of the University of Cincinnati (USA) and Director of the Stone Centre of the Division of Paediatric Urology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre. He is an outstanding and world-renowned paediatric urologist.

The Honorary Doctorate degree was conferred on Professor Minevich for his contribution to the development of paediatric urology in Latvia and the US, the development of the Surgery Clinic of the Children’s Clinical University Hospital, which is a clinical training centre of RSU, and of paediatric surgery in Latvia. He has been involved in developing the education of the employees of the RSU Department of Paediatric Surgery and in establishing professional and scientific contacts between paediatric urologists from Latvia and the USA.

Professor Minevich has conducted lectures for RSU doctoral and residency students and Latvian paediatric surgeons and urologists. In addition he has performed surgeries at the Children’s Clinical University Hospital providing local professionals with the opportunity to observe the procedures.

Professor Eugene Minevich
Doctor Honoris Causa 2018

On 13 November 2018 the honorary doctorate degree, Doctor Honoris Causa, was conferred on Professor Peter Goretzki, who works at Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

The title of Doctor Honoris Causa was conferred on the professor for long-term contribution to the development of RSU, promoting the academic and professional development of students and teaching staff – in surgery, in particular. With the participation of Peter Goretzki, RSU started the project with the academic teaching hospital Lukaskrankenhaus in the town of Neuss, which provides RSU medical students with the opportunity to undertake some of their study courses in one of Germany's leading clinics.  

With his long-term contribution to the development of RSU, Prof. Peter Goretzki has proven his worthiness of this significant honour, symbolised by the RSU honorary doctorate degree.


Doctor Honoris Causa 2017

On 15 December 2017 the honorary doctorate degree, Doctor Honoris Causa, was conferred on RSU graduate and a long-term benefactor Māris Rēvalds.

Mr. Rēvalds has made a significant contribution and provided valuable consultative support to RSU by participating in the pilot accreditation of the RSU healthcare direction and serving as a member of the RSU Convent of Councillors, providing valuable advice on the development of the university and study programme improvement. Thanks to the contribution of M. Rēvalds in supporting RSU students, the university and the field of healthcare in general, he has and continues to serve as an example of excellence for all prospective and current RSU students and graduates and to anyone who is set on achieving the goals they have set for themselves.

M. Rēvalds has devoted a major share of his professional life to the development and availability of healthcare, by supporting medical students and the entire healthcare sector. In 2010 healthcare centre Veselības centrs 4, led by M. Rēvalds founded the RSU Excellence Scholarship programme, where support is provided to four medicine and healthcare undergraduate students each year and a one-off scholarship is awarded to an RSU academic for contribution to research and science. The scholarship has made it possible to pursue one’s professional goals and provides growth possibilities for numerous RSU students.

In 2017 Veselības centrs 4 donated modern ultrasound and endoscopic equipment to the RSU Medical Education Technology Centre for the acquisition of vital clinical skills. Veselības centrs 4 is also a frequent destination both for student placements and the workplace chosen by RSU graduates.


On 15 December 2017 the honorary doctorate degree, Doctor Honoris Causa, was conferred on Egīls Gulbis – a renowned laboratory medicine expert and co-owner of the network of lab testing service providers E. Gulbis laboratorija.

Gulbis assisted in organising the First World Congress of Latvian Physicians in 1989 and for many years has been an active supporter of various healthcare-related activities. E. Gulbis laboratorija is the largest clinical laboratory in Latvia and ensures professional growth opportunities and daily support in clinical work for many RSU graduates.

Gulbis' contribution in supporting medical students is not only professional but also deeply personal. Caring for the future of the professional growth and social well-being of RSU medical students, Gulbis has awarded personal social scholarships to over 60 medical and paediatrics students, easing the financial burden and making it possible to devote more time and effort to their medical studies, to pursue their dream of a medical career.

With his actions Gulbis sets a good example for every potential and current RSU student and graduate, demonstrating how your deeds can serve to enhance generosity and overall humanity worldwide.

Doctor Honoris Causa 2016

On 26 May 2016 the honorary doctorate degree, Doctor Honoris Causa, was conferred on Professor Peter Durning from Cardiff University. He is a long-term cooperation partner of the RSU Department of Orthodontics and advisor to the RSU Institute of Stomatology Baltic Examination Centre for specialists in the field of orthodontics of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSE).

RSU cooperation with Prof. Durning began in 1992 when he gave several lectures and conducted practical training in orthodontics to Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian specialists. The professor has always been actively involved in the improvement of dentistry study programmes and has welcomed a number of Latvian colleagues to post-diploma training at Cardiff University.


On 26 May 2016 the honorary doctorate degree, Doctor Honoris Causa, was conferred on Professor Stephen Richmond, Head of the Department of Applied Clinical Research and Public Health at Cardiff University, an outstanding researcher and internationally recognised honorary advisor.

Cooperation between Prof. Stephen Richmond and the RSU Faculty of Dentistry started in 1994 within the framework of the European project EURO-QUAL – to introduce a quality system for European orthodontic professionals, who assisted in defining the speciality conforming to quality standards. Cooperation with Professor Richmond in the Tempus project – Dental curriculum development ­–­ meant for residents and young lecturers – made it possible to learn research methods in orthodontics applied at Cardiff University and to conduct research, the outcomes of which were published in two internationally-recognised journals. Within the Erasmus exchange, from 2000 to 2015 Professor Richmond welcomed RSU residents and academics to Cardiff University Department of Orthodontics, acquainting them with the knowledge and competence assessment system and basic principles for study programme development. The professor has organised two workshops at the RSU Institute of Stomatology on the latest 3D methods for dental and maxillofacial diagnostics, has given lectures in the area of 3D research and has frequently invited our specialists to conferences organised in the UK.

Doctor Honoris Causa 2015

On the 65th anniversary of the RSU the Honorary degree, Doctor Honoris Causa, was conferred to the USA emeritus professor George Michael Taybos of University of Mississippi for substantial and long-term contribution to the development of oral medicine in Latvia and  worldwide popularisation of this field, as well as for the passing on of his knowledge and experience to the students and academic staff of the RSU Faculty of Dentistry.


Doctor Honoris Causa 2014

On 28 November 2014 Vicky Vassiliki Karkou was conferred the Honorary Doctorate degree for her substantial contribution to the introduction of dance and movement therapy in Latvia and the establishment of the Latvian Dance Movement Therapy Association.

Dr. Phil., Professor at Edge Hill University, researches the interaction of health and art, dance and movement psychotherapist, founder and Head of the Dance and Movement Psychotherapy Master’s study programme at Edge Hill University in Great Britain. 



On 28 November 2014 Susanne Iwarsson was conferred the Honorary Doctorate degree for substantial contribution in professional training of Latvian occupational therapists.

Dr. Med. Susanne Iwarsson is a professional occupational therapist registered in Sweden and Professor at Lund University; she has been involved in various collaborative projects with Rīga Stradiņš University on a regular basis since 1996. 


On 28 November 2014 Caryl Sibbett Steele was conferred the Honorary Doctorate degree for substantial contribution in the establishment of the art therapy study programme in Latvia and launching of the study programme at the Rīga Stradiņš University in 2006.

Dr. Phil., certified psychotherapist, supervisor, art therapy practitioner and Head of the Art Psychotherapy study programme at the University of East London.


On 28 November 2014 Črt Marincek was conferred the Honorary Doctorate degree for successful collaboration in the fields of science and studies between the Rīga Stradiņš University and the University of Ljubljana.

Doctor, Dr. Med. and professor at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).

Marincek has supported the involvement of Latvian rehabilitation specialists and academic staff of the RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation in the community of leading specialists in European physical and rehabilitation medicine, the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation, the European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, etc. Marincek has provided great support to several physical and rehabilitation physicians in Latvia in acquiring the European Rehabilitation Physicians Certificate and for accreditation of RSU Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Residency Programme  - National Rehabilitation Centre “Vaivari” -  as a training centre for physical and rehabilitation physicians at the European level, giving Latvian specialists the option of of sitting European certification examinations in physical and rehabilitation medicine. The professor also initiated the exchange of technical orthopaedics students between the RSU and University of Ljubljana.  


On 20 May 2014 Irēne Kalniņš and Zaiga Priede-Kalniņš were conferred the Honorary Doctorate degree.

The professors, who live in the United States of America, have provided significant support to the development of the higher education of nurses in Latvia, and have also worked with students, training the future nurses of the Rīga Stradiņš University (at that time – Medical Academy of Latvia). 

Doctor Honoris Causa 2013

Vieda Skultāne (in sources in English also known as Vieda Skultans, name on passport – Vieda Shelley) is one of the founders of the field of social anthropology in Latvia, she has participated in furthering students’ education, as well as in the study process and programme development in Latvia and the RSU. Skultāne has given lectures in medicine anthropology for the RSU sociology programme doctoral students and students of the social anthropology master's degree programme, etc. V. Skultāne is one of the most quoted researchers in the area of modern Latvian studies in social anthropology. She has donated several hundreds of books to the RSU library in the research areas of public health, social psychiatry, medical anthropology, history of medicine, etc.


Hans Gerhard Gensch, a Donau-Universität Krems (Austria) communication expert, whose support to the RSU Department of Communication Studies has been crucially important. H. G. Gensch has participated in development of the study programme Public Relations and participated in the establishment of the public relations as an academic discipline in Latvia. In 2001 he became one of the first foreign visiting lecturers who agreed to conduct study courses to students of the RSU Public Relations programme.


Michael E. Höllwarth, Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Medical University of Graz, one of the most prominent paediatric surgeons in the world, innovator of many paediatric surgery technologies, Honorary member of 19 associations of paediatric surgeons in Europe and the world, author of 208 highest quality scientific publications, author and co-author of 36 text books  and author of three scientific monographs.

Since 1997 Professor Höllwarth has provided significant support and assistance in improvement of the qualification of paediatric surgeons of Latvia. Five paediatric surgeons from Latvia have had training in the Paediatric Surgery Clinic of the University of Graz. Professor Höllwarth has visited the RSU several times, in 2012 he was a visiting professor at our university. Thanks to his efforts the RSU has been able to develop the e-study programmes at a very high level.

Professor Michael E. Höllwarth passed away on 12 
March 2024.


Doctor Honoris Causa 2012

Boriss Teterevs and Ināra Tetereva, Maecenas. On 13 November 2012 I. Tetereva was conferred the Honorary degree for significant contribution and support to Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) by especially enhancing the education of young people in the field of arts and culture. On 13 November 2012 B. Teterevs was conferred the Honorary degree for significant contribution to RSU development, support of young healthcare specialists, and enhancing aspiration to excellence at RSU. Boriss Teterevs passed away on 21 September 2019.

Doctor Honoris Causa 2010

Professor Evgeny Matyakin (Евгений Григорьевич Матякин), Manager of the Head and Neck Tumour Department at N. N. Blokhin Cancer Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Throughout several decades, being one of the leading maxillofacial oncologists in Russia and in the world, Matyakin has ensured the exchange of knowledge and experience with many leading representatives of the relevant sphere in Latvia. Many of E. Matyakin's students are working and living in Latvia.


Professor Peter P. Nawroth, Director of the Department of Medicine and Clinical Chemistry at Heidelberg University. P. Nawroth was born in Denmark and is one of the most prominent physicians in Germany. The title of RSU Honorary Doctor has been conferred for the facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experience between medical centre specialists of Latvia and Germany, significantly influencing the development of Latvian medical treatment, pedagogy, and science today and in the future.


Professor Godfried Roomans, Örebro University (Sweden). Godfried Roomans was awarded the title of RSU Honorary Doctor for invaluable contribution to ensuring the exchange of knowledge and experience between RSU students, academic staff and leading cell researchers in the world. Close collaboration of G. Roomans with RSU, specifically the RSU Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology (IAA) was established immediately after the restoration of national independence in the 1990s and continues up to the present day.

Professor Roomans passed away on 8 November 2014.


Kristaps Zariņš, Professor emeritus, Stanford University (USA). Honorary degree awarded for invaluable contribution to the development of vascular surgery, as well as selfless involvement in the exchange of knowledge and experience between leading medical centre specialists in Latvia and in the world by facilitating the scientific development of Latvian cardiovascular surgery and recognition thereof within the global  science arena.


Valdis Zatlers. Honorary degree awarded for internationally significant and long-term contribution to the introduction of innovative, internationally-acknowledged methods in orthopaedics, and for the organisation of work in the field of orthopaedics in Latvia, as well as facilitating the development of education, including social sciences, while fulfilling the duties of President of Latvia.

Doctor Honoris Causa 2009

Jan Lilja, Professor, University of Gothenburg. Honorary degree awarded on 7 May 2009 for major contribution to the adoption of new methods in the treatment of facial cleft – research in the development of facial cleft aesthetically-oriented surgery.


Per Skjelbred, Professor, University of Oslo. Honorary degree awarded on 7 May 2009 for long-term contribution to the teaching of multidisciplinary treatment methods of craniofacial anomalies (CFA) and clinical research at RSU.

Doctor Honoris Causa 2007

Academic Jānis Stradiņš. Honorary degree awarded on 29 March 2007 for the compilation and research of professor Pauls Stradiņš' scientific legacy. Research topics of the academician cover the history of science, history of chemistry, physical chemistry, history of Riga and Latvia, Latvia and Latvians worldwide. Academic Jānis Stradiņš passed away on 29 November 2019.


Professor Jānis Dūmiņš. Honorary degree awarded on 29 March 2007 for long-term activity as the conductor and artistic director of RSU (former Rīga Medical Institute) choir "Riga" for the popularisation of the name of the university in Latvia and abroad. Professor J. Dūmiņš passed away on 15 October 2011.


Valdis Birkavs, Doctor of Law, political and social activist. Honorary degree awarded on 29 March 2007 for significant contribution to the renewal and consolidation of the statehood of Latvia, as well as significant support to the development of RSU.


Manfred Wolfersdorf, Director of Oberfranken District Bayreuth Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Clinic in Germany, Assistant Professor at the University of Bayreuth and Professor of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ulm. Honorary degree awarded on 29 March 2007. Since 1996, Manfred Wolfersdorf has been collaborating with RSU Department of Psychiatry and Narcology in the educating of new psychiatrists and narcologists.

Doctor Honoris Causa 2005

Professor Jan Lubinski, Head of International Hereditary Cancer Centre of Pomeranian Medical University. Honorary degree awarded on 4 November 2005. One of the leading physicians-practitioners and scientists in the world in the field of hereditary oncologic diseases, state consultant in clinical genetics, author and coordinator of various projects focusing on the development of cancer research, founder of the magazine “Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice”, author of three patents and over 150 publications. The Professor has provided a significant contribution to the development of Latvian science; since 1998 he has been involved in the education of Latvian physicians – hereditary cancer specialists, the development of RSU Hereditary Cancer Institute, research of hereditary cancer in Latvia, as well as implementation of international co-operation projects.


Professor Mirdza Neidere, University at Buffalo (USA). Honorary degree awarded on 29 June 2005 for fostering educational development at RSU Faculty of Dentistry. Since 1991 the Professor has been actively participating in the work of RSU Faculty of Dentistry, has organised the visits of four RSU lecturers to the University at Buffalo, as well as residency of one Professor at Eastman Dental Institute. Professor Neidere is regularly familiarising the lecturers of the Faculty of Dentistry with the latest achievements in oral medicine and periodontics, as well as organises the delivery of magazines, books, and instruments from the USA. M. Neidere was born in Rīga and arrived in the USA in 1950.


Aleksandras Kriščiūnas, Head of the Clinic of Rehabilitation at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (former Kaunas University of Medicine). RSU Honorary degree awarded on 27 May 2005 for major contribution to the education of physicians-rehabilitologists and functional specialists in Latvia, fostering the professional contacts and unity among Baltic rehabilitation specialists, as well as the development of academic professional resources in the field of rehabilitation. A. Kriščiūnas is a long-term co-operation partner of RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation who has provided a significant contribution to the development of the Faculty of Rehabilitation, its structural units and study programmes.


Professor Klaus Schaarschmidt (Germany). RSU Honorary degree awarded on 6 May 2005 for major contribution to the development of paediatric surgery in Latvia. Director of Paediatric Surgery Clinic of HELIOS Hospital Berlin-Buch. K. Schaarschmidt has enhanced and facilitated the education of the employees of RSU Department of Paediatric Surgery and Surgery Clinic of the Children’s Clinical University Hospital, the development of the clinic, has formed long-term professional and scientific co-operation among Latvian and German paediatric surgeons. The Professor has also contributed to the development of German and European paediatric endoscopic surgery.

Doctor Honoris Causa 2004

Professor Joachim Härtel, Deputy Director of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Rostock. RSU Honorary degree awarded on 2 September 2004. Because of the Professor's efforts, co-operation with and the exchange of experience between the University of Rostock and RSU started in 1982, and has continued successfully for over 30 years. The Professor has visited RSU, giving lectures and has performed example operations; several joint scientific articles have been published. In 2004 J. Härtel renewed student exchange between the Faculty of Dentistry of RSU and the University of Rostock. He is the Chair of the Specialist Examination Commission in Plastic Surgeries of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Doctor’s Chamber, Honorary Member of the Baltic Association for Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery, the author of 126 scientific publications, as well as textbooks and monographs, he has successfully managed the works of 23 undergraduates and 37 candidates for a doctor’s degree at the University of Rostock.


Professor Karsten Gundlach, Director at Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Rostock. The RSU Honorary degree awarded on 2 September 2004. Since 1992, when Karsten Gundlach, M.S.D., took the position at the University of Rostock, he has established ties between RSU and the University of Rostock. Due to the initiative and active work of the Professor, international conferences Riga-Rostock are organised on a regular basis, covering topical issues in oral and maxillofacial surgery. RSU teaching staff are involved in the hereditary facial cleft programme of the Baltic States, also on the editorial board of the European magazine devoted to the speciality. K. Gundlach has presented his books and the books of other authors to the RSU clinic, and has proposed and supported in Europe the first international courses in Riga on hereditary facial cleft surgery. The Professor is the editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, as well as the Honorary Member of the Baltic Association for Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery.


Søren Nørgaard. Honorary degree awarded for the compilation and implementation of a modified physiotherapy programme, which served as a basis for the selection of the academic staff of RSU Academic School of Physiotherapy for further projects aimed at raising the qualifications of and improvement of the school’s activity.


Benedikte Steinrud (Denmark). Honorary degree awarded for creating the nucleus of RSU personnel for further projects aimed at raising the qualifications of and improvement of the school’s activity.


Inga Britt Lindström (Sweden). Swedish scientist, who managed occupational therapy development projects. Honorary degree awarded for the compilation, implementation and improvement of the RSU occupational therapy study programme, which provided an opportunity to integrate the Latvian Academic School of Occupational Therapy within European and global organisations of occupational therapists, to establish academic contacts, to form important collaboration projects and projects aimed at raising the qualification of the teaching staff.


Christine Dravins (Sweden). Honorary degree awarded to this scientist from Lund University for developing the profession of Speech Therapist and implementation of the respective study programme in Latvia, forming the core of academic staff, as well as organising the operation of RSU Academic School of Logopaedics.


Jürgen Oschlies (Canada). Honorary degree awarded to the scientist for significant contribution in the establishment of RSU Academic School of Prosthetics and Orthotics, as well as starting up practical activity, development of academic and professional contacts, and for introducing the field of orthopaedics into the Latvian healthcare system.


Malcolm Peat (Canada). Honorary degree awarded to the scientist for significant contribution in the creation and introduction of an organised rehabilitation model in social environment in Latvia, development of rehabilitation organisation and research works related to it, as well as supporting and implementing master’s and doctoral study programmes in the field of physiotherapy. Deceased 17 January 2017.


Professor Sandra Olney (Canada). Honorary degree awarded to the scientist for significant contribution to the creation and introduction of an organised rehabilitation model in the social environment in Latvia, the development of the organisation of rehabilitation and research in this field, as well as supporting and implementing master’s and doctoral study programmes in the field of physiotherapy.


Professor Hans-Dietrich Roeher (Germany). Honorary degree awarded on 12 March 2004. Former Director of Düsseldorf’s Heinrich-Heine-University Hospital Surgery Clinic and Out-Patient Clinic has provided a significant contribution to the development of Latvian science — three Latvian surgeons have had in-service training at his clinic, RSU Professor J. Gardovskis has elaborated a habilitation paper. Together with this clinic RSU Department of Surgery has participated in two Copernicus scientific projects of the European Commission: “Use of information technologies in ensuring medical treatment quality for patients with severe abdominal pain” and “Phenotype–genotype correlations in the case of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer”. Collaboration with the Professor in the field of hereditary colorectal cancer continues.


Professor Klaus-Peter Thon (Germany). Honorary degree awarded on 12 March 2004. Medical Director of Robert Bosch Hospital (teaching hospital of the University of Tübingen), Head of General and Visceral Surgery and Traumatology-Orthopaedics Clinic. K. P. Thon has participated in the introduction of new surgical technologies, has organised the donation of laparoscopic equipment to Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital through the Robert Bosch Foundation, and has performed the first example operations at Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital. The Professor has facilitated the education of physicians-surgeons and medical nurses — five physicians and four medical nurses have received in-service training at the clinic headed by the Professor. Professor K. P. Thon has also participated in the Second Latvian Surgeon Congress as a guest lecturer. Professor Klaus-Peter Thon passed away on 23 February 2024.


Han C. G. Kemper (Netherlands), Professor at the Medicine Centre of the Free University of Amsterdam (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). Honorary degree awarded on 12 March 2004. H. Kemper is a world-known scientist, physiologist, editor of international magazines, as well as organiser of international conferences. He is a foreign expert on the RSU Promotion Council and is a regular guest at RSU Department of Normal Physiology and the Latvian Physiological Society and has supported scientific activity in Latvia. His scientific work over the course of many years has been longitudinal studies of growth and health, reflected in over 300 scientific publications and three monographs. The Professor is the author of five books on children’s health and muscular physiology, as well as the author of separate chapters in books on physical activity and health, children and teenagers’ sport.

Doctor Honoris Causa 2003

Professor Adrian Sugar (UK). Honorary degree awarded on 21 January 2003 for his contribution to the improvement and development of oral and maxillofacial surgery speciality in Latvia. Professor A. Sugar is a world-known specialist selflessly sharing his clinical experience.


Professor Felix Unger (Austria). Honorary degree awarded on 21 January 2003. A cardiac surgeon, the founder and long-term president of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Vienna, a foreign member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences — F. Unger is one of the first foreign heads of academies of sciences who has been supporting Latvian science since 1991. From his own personal means he has created the Felix Award, which in 2001 was awarded to former President of Latvia, academician Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga. In 1977 F. Unger designed an artificial ellipsoid heart; he was the first in Europe who transplanted an artificial heart in 1986, as well as innovated a method for warming up avalanche victims.


Philippe André Scherpereel (France), Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine at the University Hospital of Lille. One of the most awarded anaesthesiologists in the world, Chair of the Confederation of European National Societies of Anaesthesiologists (formerly European Regional Section of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists) — P. A. Scherpereel provides training of medical residents and anaesthesiologists also from Latvia at the University Hospital of Lille, as well as has been organising courses for Latvian anaesthesiologists for several years. He has contributed significantly to the development of the field of anaesthesiology and emergency medical assistance in Latvia, including the enhancement of the restoration of equipment at Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital; he has presented books to RSU library and prepared a training environment for medical residents when RSU obtained the right to train medical residents from the whole of Europe.

Doctor Honoris Causa 2002

Professor Arild Stenvik (Norway), Head of the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Oslo, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry. Honorary degree awarded on 19 February 2002. A. Stenvik has repeatedly organised visits of the Professors of the University of Oslo to Rīga to promote the development of combined orthodontic treatment of severe hereditary anomalies and orthodontic surgery medical care, training of medical residents, as well as has organised the training of specialists for the development of polysomnography at the Institute of Dentistry. He is actively involved in the work of the Baltic Orthodontic Association.


Professor Malcolm Jones (UK), Dean of the School of Dentistry at the College of Medicine of the University of Wales. Honorary degree awarded on 19 February 2002. Active collaboration of Professor M. Jones with RSU specialists in the field of maxillofacial surgery and orthodontics started in 1992. Pre-diploma and further education study programmes and the European Orthodontics Specialist Examination Centre in Riga have been set up on the basis of the standards set forth at the University of Wales, University of Helsinki, and Karlsruhe University.


Professor Martin Ptok (Germany). Honorary degree awarded on 23 April 2002. Leading German specialist in the field of phoniatrics and pedagogical audiology visited Latvia for the first time in 1999, when he evaluated the work of the Latvian Childrens Hearing Centre, gave a lecture on pedagogical audiology to Latvian audiologists, speech therapists, and psychologists. In 2001 he donated books to the library of the Latvian Childrens Hearing Centre, as well as helped to publish the only book in the field of pedagogical audiology in Latvian at that time.


Professor Saulius Spokavičius (Lithuania). Honorary degree awarded on 23 April 2002. Physician, surgeon, Head of Emergency Medical Aid Hospital of Hand Orthopaedics and Plastic Surgery Department at Vilnius University. S. Spokavičius has acquired the highest category in Lithuanian plastic and reconstructive surgery, for several years has been participating in the elaboration and implementation of a further education training project on skin pathology laser treatment possibilities at RSU Dermatovenerology Clinic.

Doctor Honoris Causa 2000

Professor Eberhard Sonnabend (Germany, d. 15 April 2011), Director of Maxillofacial and Dentistry Clinic at the University of Munich. Honorary degree awarded on 24 January 2000. Dr. med. dent. E. Sonnabend has defended a doctoral dissertation in the field of teeth, mouth and jaw treatment, teeth maintenance and paradontology. E. Sonnabend is an Honorary Member of the Austrian, Hungarian and German Maxillofacial and Dentistry Associations, as well as an Honorary Doctor of the University of Wrocław. E. Sonnabend is author of over 180 scientific publications.


Professor Ivars Knēts (Latvia), Rector of Rīga Technical University. Honorary degree awarded on 24 January 2000. Dr. habil. sc. ing., Professor in the field of mechanics of materials (biomechanics), academician of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Full Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. A member of the European Society of Biomechanics and European Association for Experimental Mechanics. I. Knēts is author of over 140 scientific works, including the author of three books. Professor Ivars Knēts passed away on 1 March 2019.

Doctor Honoris Causa 1999

Velta Volksone, Director of the Latvian State Centre for Forensic Medical Examination.

Doctor Honoris Causa 1998

Genādijs Pahomovs, physician-dentist, Doctor of Medical Science. Honorary degree awarded on 1 September 1998.


Sigurds Oto Krolls (USA, Mississippi). S. Kroll was born in Rīga in 1931, passed away on 26 October 2016 in the USA. Honorary degree awarded on 1 September 1998.

Sigurds Oto Krolls passed away on 26 October 2016.

Doctor Honoris Causa 1997

Professor Kristaps Juris Keggi (USA). Honorary degree awarded on 7 October 1997. A physician, surgeon, whose scientific activity is mainly related to endoprosthetics of large joints. He has published over 50 scientific works. Since 1987 every year K. Keggi comes to Latvia to perform example operations, conduct seminars, give lectures, and provide consultations. He is the President of The Keggi Orthopaedic Foundation. The Foundation provides major material aid to raising the qualification of Latvian physicians and nurses in the USA. K. Keggi was born in 1934 in Rīga, passed away on 5 July 2023.


Professor Gerhard Stricker-Barolin (Austria). Honorary degree awarded on 25 November 1997. Professor of Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neurorehabilitation and Prophylaxis has been cooperating with the RSU since 1995. The Professor has been a teacher, lecturer and consultant of neurorehabilitation in Latvia. In 1999 RSU publishing house published the book “Psychotherapy in Rehabilitation” by G. Stricker-Barolin in English. Deceased 10 March 2011.

Doctor Honoris Causa 1996

Miervaldis Bērziņš-Birze, physician, writer and publicist. Honorary degree awarded on 13 February 1996. M. Birze passed away on 6 April 2000.

Doctor Honoris Causa 1994

Professor Pāvils Vasariņš (Canada, Hamilton). Born in Rīga in 1928; deceased 21 June 2019.


Jānis Strazdiņš, Director of the State Narcology Treatment and Health Centre, President of the Latvian Association of Narcologists.


Arnis Vīksna, Physician, historian of medicine, candidate of medical sciences. Author of research works and publications of the Latvian history of medicine, including 16 books, approximately 30 brochures, 200 scientific publications in journals and collections, the author of approximately 2000 articles in popular editions and encyclopaedias. Arnis Vīksna passed away on 25 April 2018.


Professor Pauli Leinikki (Finland). P. Leinikki is a world-renowned scientist and RSU staff have had training in his laboratories. Several times he has organised seminars and international conferences on AIDS problems in Latvia. Scientist P. Leinikki is the author of over 140 scientific articles and part of them are world-renowned inventions in virology. Professor Pauli Leinikki was born on 18 September 1941 in Finland, passed away on 13 February 2024 in Spain.


Valdis Jākobsons, Chairman of the Board at AS Grindeks. V. Jākobsons is also the Chairman of the Board of the Latvian and Japanese Taiho Foundation; he has been awarded the Order of the Three Stars.

Doctor Honoris Causa 1993

N. D. Rydell (Sweden). Honorary degree awarded for major contribution in fostering collaboration between Sweden and Latvia in the field of medicine.


Professor Göran Annerut (Sweden). In 1990 he participated in signing the cooperation agreement between Umeå University and RSU. Latest donation by Professor G. Annerut — a compilation of study slides, as well as books. G. Annerut passed away on 22 July 1995.

Doctor Honoris Causa 1990

Professor Armin Andrä (Germany), Supreme councillor in the field of medicine, Doctor of Medical Science, Director of the Dental School at the University of Rostock, Head of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry Clinic. Honorary degree awarded for outstanding work in the field of face and jaw surgery and dentistry, and for 10 years of collaboration with the RSU Dental Clinic. Deceased 28 August 2018.
