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Conference: Topical Issues of the Legal System (ONLINE)
10:00 - 16:00

The Faculty of Law at Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU), is organising the international scientific and practical conference Topical Issues of the Legal System on 21 April 2021 together with the College of Law, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (Poland), Mykolas Romeris University, Law College (Lithuania) and Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Ukraine). The conference will be held online.

The aim of the conference is to identify current conceptual and strategic approaches of Latvian national and international policy of various legal areas with the aim to evaluate, improve and develop particular areas. One of the main tasks of the conference is to encourage the exchange of experience in developing legal policies in different countries and areas.

The aim of the conference is to explore practical and research activities, as well as to promote the exchange of knowledge and experience between specialists and academics.

The agenda will be published in due time.

Apply BY 15 APRIL

The full articles must be submitted by 31 May 2021 in Word format (see the guidelines) by email to The submitted articles will be published in the legal scientific journal Socrates (indexed by Copernicus and ERIH plus).
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