Participation in Events Organised by RSU and Others
Work groups and projects intended for schools
- Jaunā pārtika (New Food) inter-institutional working group, Ministry of Agriculture order no. 164 from 29 November 2017. (M. Pilmane);
- Organisation of school excursions and virtual excursions at the Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology (M. Pilmane);
- Work on the Pielaiko studijas campaign for prospective students – 14 February 2017, 21 February 2017; 6 February 2019; 5 February 2020; 12 February 2020. (M. Pilmane), S. Umbraško – 2019, 2020;
- Participation in the presentation and demonstration of results to a group of students within the framework of the Pētnieku akadēmija (Researcher Academy) event on 28 November 2018 (M. Pilmane, Dz. Kažoka, V. Groma);
- Organisation of the Homines 2018 Biology Olympiad for students in the 11th and 12th grades (26 March 2018) and the Homines 2019 Biology Olympiad for students in the 10th and 12th grades (16 April 2019) (M. Pilmane, Z. Vitenberga, Dz. Kažoka, S. Umbraško, I. Duļevska);
- Jaunā pārtika (New Food) inter-institutional working group at the Ministry of Agriculture on the introduction of cloned animals and nanotechnologies – from 02 April 2009 (M. Pilmane);
- LR Ministry of Agriculture Food and Veterinary Service Jaunā pārtika (New Food), order from 20 March 2014 (M. Pilmane);
- Within the framework of NORDPLUS international grant programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers with co-financing of Riga City Council and support of the Department of Education, Culture and Sport (IKSD), project of the Riga Catholic Gymnasium ““Support to general education schools young people's integration in the Baltic states” priority economic sector” (PVS ID 2654, NPJR-2013/10457) (M. Pilmane, Dz. Kažoka);
- Organisation and reading of lectures/classes in the Jauno mediķu akadēmija (Academy for Young Medical Students) from 2014 (M. Pilmane, S. Umbraško, Dz. Kažoka);
- Ēnu dienas shadow day work experience activities (2011, 2014, 2016, 2018-2020 – M. Pilmane; 2011 – V. Groma, Dz.Kažoka, S.Umbraško, I.Duļevska; starting from 2012 – Dz.Kažoka, S.Umbraško, I.Duļevska).
International conferences
- Co-organising the Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Practical Ophtholmology” together with the Institute of Radiation Hygiene and Epidemiology of the National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv), and the Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Odessa), 28-29 April, 2022
- Participation in the organisation of the Stradiņa kods exhibition (opened on 25 January 2012) with exhibits from the AAI Museum;
- Participation in the organisation of the Studentu zinātniskā biedrība (Scientific Society of Students) exhibition (opened on 28 March 2012) with personal exhibits and displays from the AAI Museum collection;
- Creation of the Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology brochure – June 2013;
- Participation in the Medbaltica 2013 exhibition in September 2013 and Medbaltica 2016 in September 2016 – information about methods of electron microscopy (V. Groma).
Local scientific events
- Organising Atvērto durvju dienas (Open Door Days) at AAI – 02 April 2016 (M. Pilmane, Dz. Kažoka), and 1 April 2017 (M.Pilmane);
- Organisation of Zinātnieku naktis (Researchers’ Night) events at the RSU Theatrum Anatomicum on 28 September 2018 - Audi modernā skatījumā (Tissue from a modern viewpoint) workshop by S. Skuja, un Digitālais cilvēks (The digital human) workshop by Dz. Kažoka - and on 24 September 2010 - Kāpēc mums jāpazīst savs anatomiskais ķermenis? (Why we should get to know our anatomical bodies) by M. Pilmane, V. Groma, Dz. Kažoka;
- Participation in the organisation and performance of similar public events on 28 September 2007 (M. Pilmane, Dz. Kažoka, J. Vētra) and on 28 September 2015 (Dz. Kažoka, E. Sidhoma, G. Skruze), and the events organised in 2011 and 2016 – S. Umbraško;
- Virtual Zoom excursions of the AAI's historical teaching and science resources are being organised from 9 November 2020 (M.Pilmane, V.Konopecka);
- ĶBMZN (Department of Chemical, Biological & Medical Sciences) meeting at the RSU IAA on 16 June 2022, Anatomikuma vēsturiskās kolekcijas (The historical collections of the Anatomicum), organised by M. Pilmane:
- Brief overview of the historical collections and introduction to Professor P.Stradiņš' histopathological collection, Māra Pilmane, Professor at RSU and full member of ĶBMZN;
- The contribution of Latvian palaeopathologist, doctor of medical sciences Vils Derums to the study of ancient Latvian bones, Dzintra Kažoka, Māra Pilmane, associate professor, RSU;
- Visit to the IAA historical collection. Vita Konopecka, RSU AAI Office Administrator and Historical Collection Guide.
Anatomical Theatre
Rīga, 9 Kronvalda bulvāris
Phone: +37167060807, +37168414740
E-mail: aai [at] rsu.lv