Analysis of characteristics of medical sapropel and its usage for medical purposes and elaboration of industrial extraction methods
Project activities
- An overview of literature on existing studies related to the use of sapropel and therapeutic mud derived from it in cosmetology, balneology and medicine – includes a survey of studies performed globally to date
- Development of guidelines for preserving of the medicinal properties of sapropel in industrial production and development of recommendations for the evaluation of sapropel's compliance, identification of criteria for properties
- Study of five different sapropel deposits, including a survey of the sites selected according to the criteria, sampling at different depths and their initial treatment, evaluation of external signs in the laboratory and study of physical and chemical parameters, analysis of biochemical parameters and evaluation of microbiological indicators
- Study of the potential use of collected samples in medicine, which includes development of questionnaires for the study survey, development of participants' and control group inclusion criteria, study implementation in three directions: study of dermatological properties, effects on healing and regeneration processes and assessment of effects of sapropel extracts and their active substances on dermal fibroblast, keratinocyte and endothelial cell cultures
- Study of potential forms of innovative medicines, which includes a study of the forms for possible sapropel production which would be easy for consumers to purchase and use
- Development of industrial production methodology, including development of guidelines for the actions to be performed to better preserve the collected samples and their properties
- Missions and business trips, including participation in scientific conferences or similar events, study of the most recent research trends, presentation of project results
- Receipt of Ethics Commission evaluation to carry out dermatological tests and assess the impact on joints/muscles
Project output
On April 4, 2017, the first meeting of the project team took place
The project team was introduced to the project objectives,
activities to be carried out and the results to be achieved
The nearest tasks to be performed were defined
Sapropeļa ieguvei izmantots ezers Ludzas novadā
Summary of project results
Planned result
Planned result in numerical form
Date of information update
Literature review on existing research
Scientific publication
1 scientific publication
Preparation of guidelines for the preservation of sapropel's medical properties in the process of industrial production
1 document
Research of five different sapropel fields
Sample set
100 sample set
Investigation of the potential use of the obtained samples in medicine
Scientific publication
3 scientific publications
Potential study of innovative pharmaceutical forms
1 patent
Development of industrial production methodology
1 document
Missions and business trips
12 speeches
Receiving the opinion of the Ethics Commission
opinion of the Ethics Commission
1 opinion