ePlatform for Promoting Health in Schools (ePro-Schools)
There is limited high-quality information regarding physical activity, sedentary behaviour and dietary habits focusing on adolescents from socially disadvantaged settings. Therefore, there is a limited number of public health and educational policies specifically designed for this population group. The ePlatform for Promoting Health in Schools, the ePro-Schools project, will address both knowledge gaps in the state-of-the-art.
ePro-Schools will evaluate high-quality epidemiological data to identify the determinants of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and dietary habits as well as to which extend these lifestyle behaviours are associated with physical and mental health in adolescents from socially disadvantaged settings. Furthermore, ePro-Schools will co-design, pilot and evaluate an evidence-based modular eHealth intervention platform to promote physical activity and healthy eating, and reduce time in sedentary behaviours.
A profound co-creation process, including marketing survey and focus groups with adolescents, teachers, school directors and policy makers together with the adaptation of previous interventions conducted by the consortium members will support the development of the platform. The ePro-Schools platform will contain modules for adolescents and their parents, teachers and school administration. Although the platform will be implemented through schools, it will include contents to be implemented outside the schools setting.
By evaluating register-based and cohort data, we will identify schools that have adolescents from socially disadvantaged settings to conduct a randomised controlled trial in those schools to test the ePro-Schools platform.
Using implementation science methodology, ePro-Schools will co-design transferable evidence-based practices and methodologies and guidance for scaling up the platform with policymakers and stakeholders as well as informing specialists, policymakers and the general public.
Project Coordinator
- Consorcio Centro Investigación Biomédica en Red, Spain
Project partners
- Ciber SAM (CIBER)- group, Spain
- Central Catalonia Research Support Unit., Spain
- University Hospital Würzburg, Germany
- Institut Nationale de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), France
- Utrecht University, Netherlands
- Klaipėda University, Lithuania
- Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU), Latvia
Project Collaborators
- Universidad Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
- Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany