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EthCo – For better ethical safety in future health care environments

Project/agreement No.
Project funding
400 000.00 EUR
Project realization
01.10.2022. - 31.05.2024.


We want to ensure future healthcare professionals have the skills required to foster an ethically safe atmosphere for both the patient and staff, and to to implement equal care respecting patient’s self-determination. EthCo aims to create and pilot innovative digital ethics learning and teaching material and practices with health professionals. Coaching material is created for organisations to tackle challenges in ethical safety, and that way strengthen ethical competence of the professionals.



Coaching material based on literature review and surveys is created, including theoretical grounds, discussion forum, and simulations. Nursing and physiotherapy students (100) join activities from partner HEIs, and the professionals who answer the survey (100), pilot the Coaching and review the EthCo Tool (30) are reached in Associated organisations. Finally, an online ethics education platform, open-access EthCo Tool is offered to HEIs, Associated Partners and other interested stakeholders.


Participants educated during the EthCo project increase their ethical competence and are able to adopt the role of an ethical coach in their organisations, educating others and ensuring ethical and green practices at workplaces. The digital EthCo Tool is maintained, updated and can be used openly after the project end. The digital learning method also addresses digital skills mismatches while harmonizing ethics education and the competence level of health professionals working in the EU.


  • Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden
  • University of Malta, Malta
  • University of Valencia, Spain
  • Rīga Stardiņš University, Latvia