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Values in action: promotion of responsible, secure and educated civil society in Latvia through research and model development of action models

Project/agreement No.
Project funding
599 839.00 EUR
Project manager
Project realization
03.12.2018. - 30.11.2021.


The aim of the project is to strengthen civil society by developing new policy approaches and modelling pathways that promote social and territorial cohesion based on European democratic values.


The project "Values in action: promotion of responsible, secure and educated civil society in Latvia through research and model development of action models" (project No VPP-IZM-2018/1-0013) is implemented within the National Research Programme "Latvian Heritage and Future Challenges for the Sustainability of the State".

  • Lead partner: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
  • Partner: Rīga Stradiņš University (responsible for European Union management and legislative issues regarding the development and participation of civil society)
  • For more about the project: Gatis Krūmiņš, lead researcher at the Institute of Social, Economic and Humanities Research of the Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (
  • For more about the project at Rīga Stradiņš University: Asst. Prof. Māris Andžāns (


The team of researchers involved in the project (from the left): Māris Andžāns, Lelde Metla-Rozentāle, Andris Sprūds, Jānis Kapustāns, Ieva Bikava, Kārlis Bukovskis, Mārtiņš Daugulis, Elīna Vrobļevska, and Vineta Kleinberga


Andžāns M., Atstukevičs A., Bērziņa I., Broka A., Birziņš I., Buholcs J., Dāvidsone A., Krūmiņš G. (Scientific Editor), Kūkoja K., Ločmele L., Rajevska F., Silkāne V., Šiliņš J., 2021. Kā neapmaldīties nākotnē ? Piederības un līdzdalības loma demokrātiskas sabiedrības stiprināšanā Latvijā (How not to get lost in the future. The Role of Belonging and Participation in Strengthening Democratic Society in Latvia). Vidzemes Augstskola

Video story of the book


Video recording of the conference for the closing of the project