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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Klāvs Sedlenieks
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Social Anthropology
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Sociology; Social Anthropology


Create an understanding of business anthropology as a sub-discipline of social anthropology and the application of anthropological methods and theories in the business and organizational environment. Acquire basic skills and a stimulating framework for the anthropological analysis of specific business issues or organizational operational processes. Develop a general perception and knowledge of the most significant contemporary applied anthropology problems, theoretical guidelines, and methodological approaches.


Vispārējs ievads sociālajā antropoloģijā, Ievads ekonomikas antropoloģijā, Ievads sociālās antropoloģijas metodēs.

Learning outcomes


On significant theoretical issues in applied anthropology and the application of anthropology in business and organizational environments.
On important literature and current contemporary research in business anthropology.
On methodology in applied anthropology.
On the potential of anthropology in interdisciplinary applied research.


Enhanced skill in analyzing literature based on anthropology science and research.
Improved ability to analyze current needs in the business and organizational environment.
Improved skill in recognizing the potential and synergies of anthropology when working in interdisciplinary environments.


Analyze and understand client needs.
Analyze and understand the potential of anthropology in solving business and organizational problems.
Create a potential applied research project and present it to a potential client or partner.

Study course planning

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