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About Study Course

Department: Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE)
Credit points / ECTS:9.33 / 14
Course supervisor:Andra Fernāte
Study type:Full time, Part-Time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Sports Trainer; Pedagogy
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time, Part-Time
Branch of science:Sports Science


To deepen the competences of the future sports teacher – theoretical knowledge and skills, to apply them in the activity of sports teacher; to facilitate the development of the intellectual potential of the future sports teacher, developing independent assessment and scientific research skills.


The intended study courses in the study courses in the programme have been mastered.

Learning outcomes


Studies of the selected topic in pedagogy, sports and health education.


To use qualitative and quantitative research methods in the selected topic.
To ollect, present the results of research, reflect comprehensive and new information obtained by collecting facts, news, observation and experimentation.
To plan work for sports lessons and out-of-class classes.
To create parameters and criteria for assessing pupils’ performance.


To explore, analyse and form patterns in the selected topic on the relevance of the study aids, practical activity to children’s abilities and education goals, and teacher’s activities.
To assess and improve personal professional competence.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Elective courses, C-kursi 1Free choice
Health, physical activity and security (sports and health teacher), VMS 5Bachelor’sRequired
Health, physical activity and security (sports and health teacher), VMS 7Bachelor’sRequired
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VASN 5Bachelor’sRequired
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VASN 9Bachelor’sRequired
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VASN 7Bachelor’sRequired
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VASNz 8Bachelor’sRequired
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VASNz 4Bachelor’sRequiredAndra Fernāte
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VASNz 6Bachelor’sRequired
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Health, physical activity and security (sports and health teacher), VMS 6Bachelor’sRequired
Health, physical activity and security (sports and health teacher), VMS 8Bachelor’sRequired
Health, physical activity and security (sports and health teacher), VMS 4Bachelor’sRequiredAndra Fernāte
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VASN 6Bachelor’sRequired
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VASN 4Bachelor’sRequiredAndra Fernāte
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VASN 8Bachelor’sRequired
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VASNz 9Bachelor’sRequired
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VASNz 5Bachelor’sRequiredAndra Fernāte
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VASNz 7Bachelor’sRequired