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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Elīna Akmane
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Medicine
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation


To develop knowledge, skills and attitude towards the art therapy process, interventions and creative process, and the factors that form the result for dealing with various groups of clients/patients in various practice locations/workplaces.


Professional activity in arts therapy and its legal fundaments; Assessment principles and process in arts therapy; Personality and development psychology; Individual consulting in arts therapy and psycho-dynamics.

Learning outcomes


1.Students identify, explain and theoretically describe the basic principles of the art therapy process in the context of the needs of different client/patient groups; describe the need for different interventions to work with different client/patient groups in different settings.


1.Establishes and formulates art therapy goals and objectives appropriate to the client/patient group, chooses theoretical approaches for planning action strategies and develops an art therapy plan taking into account the specificity of the client/patient group, age and possible risks; analyses and evaluates the art therapy process and outcome in terms of content, based on the factors of art therapy.


1.Identifies client/patient difficulties; sets art therapy goals; plans action strategies and develops an art therapy plan according to the specific situation and patient needs; plans the art therapy process individually and as part of a multidisciplinary team in collaboration with the doctor and other professionals; uses appropriate medical art therapy technologies; analyses the creative process and outcome; follows professional ethics and respects client/patient needs; self-reflects; recognises own professional limitations and opportunities.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Art Therapy3Master'sRequiredIndra Majore-Dūšele, Jana Duhovska, Elīna Akmane, Anda Upmale-Puķīte, Ilze Plūme, Inga Bitēna