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About Study Course

Department: Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE)
Course supervisor:Baiba Smila
Study type:Part-Time, Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Sports Trainer
Study course description Full description, Part-Time, Full time
Branch of science:Health sciences


To provide the students with the possibility to master basic theoretical and practical knowledge for teaching the foundations of Nordic walking in sport pedagogy.


Previous study courses in the module have been mastered successfully: General Pedagogy, Adult Education, Gen. and Developmental Psychology, Anatomy, Foundations of Physiology, Philosophy of Sport, First Aid, Age-Specific Physiology.
When starting the study course, knowledge, skills and competence in accordance with the general secondary education standard in sport is necessary.

Learning outcomes


1.Knows the facts, understands theories and patterns in outdoor and adventure activities (incl. Nordic walking), module topics. Knows learning strategies, methods and techniques. Understands the ways in which learning performance is assessed and the criteria for determining it.


1.Uses various learning methods, techniques and study aids to master the content of the subject and develop general skills. Builds a supportive study environment, respecting the principles of confidentiality and privacy. Organises situations close to real life in the study process. Chooses appropriate methods for assessing learning achievements Nordic walking activities.


1.Uses fact-based, theoretical knowledge and knowledge of patterns in an integrated way, purposefully and critically selects and uses different methods, technologies and teaching methodological materials in the study process for the needs of students and according to the learning outcomes.
Organises a study environment appropriate for the objective and tasks of studies. Able to justify the role of feedback, formative and summative assessment in achieving the objective and outcome of studies.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Sports science7BachelorLimited choiceBaiba Smila
Sports science 7BachelorLimited choiceBaiba Smila