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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Valda Staņēviča
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Medicine
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Paediatrics


During the course students will acquire knowledge about structural and functional peculiarities of a healthy child, regularity of growth and development from birth until 18 years, most frequent paediatric diseases, as well as necessary skills and attitude for medical work with children and to use these skills to commence the course “Paediatric diseases”.


Knowledge in humanitarian and social studies disciplines, which develop skills of critical and creative thinking, comprehension of a human as a living being and its role in society.
Foreign languages (Russian, English or German, Latin).
Preclinical disciplines: human anatomy and functions (1st, 2nd, 3rd year disciplines) clinical medicine, internal diseases.

Learning outcomes


The acquired knowledge will allow to understand digestive, respiratory, urinary and muscle systems and prevalence of diseases, to administer the facts about influence of disease risk factors, primary prevention, morphology, etiology, pathology, diagnostics and treatment, including clinical pharmacology, rehabilitation, psychotherapy, intensive care and secondary prevention in paediatrics.


To collect data of child’s family and medical history.
To perform child’s physical examination.
To be able to communicate with the child patient and their parents or other caregivers and relatives.
To conclude after the collection of results and perform necessary therapeutic and preventive actions.
To define patient’s problems in a structured manner, offering possible diagnostic, differential diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic solutions within their competency.
To document the results in case reports and report them to colleagues, using the correct medical terminology, considering the principles of ethics and demands of personal data protection.


To administer basic instrumental and functional methods of investigations and evaluate the results.
To administer basic laboratory tests and evaluate the results, recognising normal conditions from pathologies in a typical course of disease.

Study course planning

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