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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Ļubova Renemane
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Medical Services
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Psychiatry


To acquire knowledge about the prevalence, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and course of mental disorders (according to the ICD-10), medicinal and psychological basic principles of treatment, prevention of mental diseases and possibilities of rehabilitation; to gain the knowledge about the organization and operation of the psychiatric services, including ethical and legal principles, the distribution of competences among different specialists, the competences of the art therapist and the planning and organization of the care of mentally ill patients. To acquire the skills to communicate with patients in a gentle, supportive and educational manner. To teach to assess the mental state of patients, to understand its dynamics during therapy.


• Psychology; developmental and medical psychology;
• Ethics in medicine;
• Epidemiology (types of research);
• Public health (risk factors, types of prevention, health promotion opportunities);
• Basic pharmacology;
• Basic principles of clinical care (deontology, iatrogeny, patient interview).

Learning outcomes


1.Knows the prevalence of mental disorders, etiological factors, and clinical course. Can formulate psychiatric symptoms and syndromes and understands the concepts of major mental disorders. Is able to name the most important treatment methods for various psychiatric diseases, to recognize the most commonly used psychopharmacological means, and understands the role of art therapist in the treatment of mental disorders


1.Able to recognize, assess and describe basic psychiatric symptoms, evaluate and plan the type of patient care, ensuring the correct selection of the patient for art therapy classes.
Can create an emphatic interviewing style for work with patients with mental disorders, be aware of the importance of therapeutic relationships in psychiatry.


1.Is able to assess the dynamics of the patient's mental disorder during art therapy and is able to explain it to the patient.
Able to defend their views to other members of the patient care team. Is able to promote a healthy lifestyle in society within the competence of his / her speciality.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Art Therapy2Master'sRequiredĻubova Renemane, Ņikita Bezborodovs, Elmārs Rancāns, Nika Kristiāna Meždreija, Silvija Cīpare, Liene Vītola, Veronika Saviča