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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Aija Dudkina
Study type:Part-Time, Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Psychology
Study course description Full description, Part-Time, Full time
Branch of science:General Psychology; Psychology


To develop students' understanding of psychological assessment methods and processes, including collection of anamnesis and data analysis methods, assessment of cognitive processes and personality.


General psychology, cognitive psychology, personality psychology and developmental psychology.

Learning outcomes


1.Knows and describes the conditions, requirements and specifics of psychological assessment; understand the peculiarities of psychological assessment of different age groups; knows various assessment methods of personality and cognitive processes; understands the limitations of psychological assessment; knows and describes the stages of psychological assessment; knows the conditions of professional ethics in the context of psychological assessment.


1.Establishes contact with the client, collects initial information, defines goals for the psychological assessment, develops a plan of psychosocial assessment, selects the most appropriate research methods, applies them, analyses results, and prepares an overview of the results. Discusses methods of psychological assessment of personality and cognitive processes and the principles of processing and analysis of results; justifies and critically evaluates psychological assessment methods and their compliance with different age groups.


1.Plans and implements the client's psychological assessment, processes, analyses and interprets the obtained data, correctly draws up a report on the results of the psychological assessment; cooperates with the client in accordance with the basic principles of professional and general ethics. Independently critically evaluates the suitability of psychological assessment methods for different age groups.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Psychology3BachelorRequiredAija Dudkina
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Psychology 4BachelorRequiredAija Dudkina