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About Study Course

Department: Department of Public Health and Epidemiology
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Kristīne Ozoliņa
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Public Health
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Public Health


To develop basic knowledge and skills in research methodology by promoting the use of an evidence-based approach to public health.


Basics in public health and statistics.

Learning outcomes


Describe the research process steps; select scientific data sources; distinguish scientific publications from popular sources of information; recognize sources of information based on the principles of scientific methodology; know the databases of searching for scientific publications; know the principles of evaluating the methodology of scientific literature.


Able to set and define the goals and objectives of the research project in accordance with the research question; to select the necessary scientific literature in accordance with the research question; to integrate the obtained information from different information sources in a single literature review on the selected research problem in the field of public health.


Formulate a research question in the field of public health; to obtain, select, and analyze evidence-based information in research on public health problems in accordance with the basic principles of scientific methodology.

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