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About Study Course

Department: Department of Clinical Skills and Medical Technologies
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Oļegs Sabeļņikovs
Study type:Full time, Part-Time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Life Science; Sports Trainer; Psychology; Pharmacy; Clinical Pharmacy; Nursing Science; Medicine; Civil and Military Defense; Rehabilitation; Public Health
Language:Latvian, English
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time, Part-Time
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Health Care


Develop students’ competence in providing first aid. Provide information about the civil protection structure and organisation in the country, as well as the responsibilities and measures to be taken in the event of various disasters in order to ensure adequate and timely action. Give information about the key environmental aspects (air, water, soil, food, etc.) and their potential impact on health and safety, as well as control, prevention and reduction (according to the Cabinet Regulations No. 716 “Minimum Requirements for the Content of the Compulsory Civil Protection Course and the Content of the Civil Protection Training for Employees”, adopted on 15.12.2017).


Biology, Physics, Chemistry (at Secondary school level).

Learning outcomes


Having completed the course, students will be able to:
• describe the role of the cardiovascular and respiratory system in maintaining vital functions;
• describe the action plan of a first aid provider at the scene of an accident;
• describe the basic resuscitation algorithms for adults and children;
• name and characterise clinical signs of external and internal bleeding and methods of stopping the bleeding;
• describe the mechanisms for the development of shock and anti-shock measures;
• list the signs of bone fractures, joint dislocations and tendon sprains and muscle strains and first aid to casualties;
• describe the adverse effects of harmful environmental factors on the human body (overheating, cooling, and frostbite).

Knowledge of the structure, legal framework, organisation and management of the civil protection system acquired; knowledge of the tasks, rights and duties of the government, local government, legal entities and natural persons in the field of civil protection; knowledge of hazardous objects, threat assessment, obligations and rights of owners or lawful possessors; knowledge of the civil protection commissions of local governments; knowledge of planning civil protection measures; knowledge of hazardous substances, their classification and requirements for their storage and transportation; knowledge of requesting and provision of international assistance; on personal protective equipment in the event of a disaster; knowledge of specific legal regimes and actions in specific facilities. Understanding of various environmental factors, their impact on health and safety, behaviour in various environmental emergencies.


Having completed the course, students will be able to:
• act effectively at the scene of an accident prior to the arrival of the emergency medical assistance team;
• carry out an evaluation of the vital functions of victims at the pre-hospital stage;
• undertake basic resuscitation measures for adults and children;
• provide first aid in the event of foreign body aspiration;
• stop external bleeding applying direct pressure using the methods of direct pressure and compression dressings;
• undertake a set of anti-shock measures;
• provide first aid in case of injuries;
• provide first aid in case of damage caused by temperature;
• provide first aid in the event of convulsions;
• demonstrate the ability to work according to the principles of team work within their competence.

Upon completion of the study course, students will know how to identify various hazards and how to deal with different emergencies.
Will be able to independently, critically analyse, find information and data through identification of environmental health problems, and to assess their role in maintaining and strengthening of human health.


On completion of the study course, the student will be able to effectively provide first aid to the casualty in a variety of life and health critical situations in an optimal way, using the available resources, as well as to act properly in different emergency situations.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Biomedicine, MFMB3Master’sLimited choicePaula Zviedre, Oļegs Sabeļņikovs, Ivars Vanadziņš, Krista Koliste, Katrīna Demčenko
Biostatistics, MFBS3Master’sLimited choicePaula Zviedre, Oļegs Sabeļņikovs, Ivars Vanadziņš, Krista Koliste, Katrīna Demčenko
Art Therapy, RFMT5Master’sLimited choicePaula Zviedre, Oļegs Sabeļņikovs, Ivars Vanadziņš, Krista Koliste, Katrīna Demčenko
Rehabilitation, REHM3Master’sLimited choicePaula Zviedre, Oļegs Sabeļņikovs, Ivars Vanadziņš, Krista Koliste, Katrīna Demčenko
Public Health, SVFM1Master’sLimited choicePaula Zviedre, Oļegs Sabeļņikovs, Ivars Vanadziņš, Krista Koliste, Katrīna Demčenko
Social work, SDNMp1Master’sLimited choicePaula Zviedre, Oļegs Sabeļņikovs, Ivars Vanadziņš, Krista Koliste, Katrīna Demčenko
Social work, SDNM1Master’sLimited choicePaula Zviedre, Oļegs Sabeļņikovs, Ivars Vanadziņš, Krista Koliste, Katrīna Demčenko
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Biostatistics, MFBS2Master’sLimited choice
Elective courses, C-kursi 2Free choice
Clinical Pharmacy, FFMp2Master’sLimited choice
Nursing Studies, MZFM2Master’sLimited choice
Nutrition Science, UM2Master’sLimited choice
Health psychology, VPMp2Master’sLimited choice