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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Jeļena Koļesņikova
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Psychology
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Psychology


To develop understanding of the concepts of clinical health psychology, biopsychosocial approach to illness and health, to deepen the understanding of the work of a psychologist in the health care system, as well as to improve skills in using psychological support methods/interventions.


General psychology, biological principles of psyche and psychophysiology. Clinical psychology, health psychology, pathopsychology, psychological assessment.

Learning outcomes


Students recognise and are able to explain terminology of clinical health psychology. Define methods of psychological assessment and help (interventions) in health care system. Define and describe models and theories of health behaviour, as well as the factors included in the models. Students describe the nature of pain, methods of assessment and control techniques. Identify and describe concepts of health and illness perception and research directions.


Independently analyse methods of psychological assessment and psychological help (intervention). Compare health behaviour theories and models. Apply knowledge to assess a client/patient health and illness perceptions, as well as health behaviour and formulate goals for health-oriented behaviours.


Students critically evaluate methods of psychological assessment and psychological help (intervention). Independently use theories and models of health and illness perception as well as health behaviour planning and goal setting. Choose effective interventions to correct health and illness perceptions, promote health behaviours, prevent health-compromising behaviours, and control pain (in learning situations).

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