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About Study Course

Department: Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Health
Course supervisor:Gunta Nimma
Study type:Full time
Course level:First level
Target audience:Dentistry
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Dentistry


Enhance the level of students' knowledge, skills and competence in the prevention of oral diseases, clinical examinations, looking at the patient as a whole and performing the necessary treatment in accordance with their level of competence in Pediatric dentistry and Adult dentistry.


Prevention of dental diseases, radiology, periodontology, public health care in dentistry, oral health promotion and education, oral pathology, contact with a patient in pediatric dentistry, therapeutic dentistry, dental prosthetics, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, dental anatomy.

Learning outcomes


1.Students define the examination of the oral cavity and the diagnosis of diseases;
documents and describes the patient's medical history;
presents a treatment plan;
identifies recommendations in the prevention of oral diseases;
explains infection control standards;
recognizes the norms of professional ethics.


1.The student obtains and documents the patient's medical history, paying attention to medication use, bad habits, oral care habits;
respects the confidentiality of data protection;
perform an examination of the neck lymph nodes, temporomandibular joints;
perform a full periodontal examination;
performs index calculation;
documents and evaluates the obtained results;
explains and demonstrates the treatment plan;
provides recommendations in the prevention of oral diseases;
performs polishing of dental crowns, laying of sealants, application of various fluoride applications;
perform supragingival and subgingival (up to 5 mm in pockets) instrumentation using specialized instruments;
carries out disinfection, sterilization control;
follow the use of infection control barriers.


1.Students are able to independently collect anamnesis, evaluate, calculate, reasonedly interpret and analyze the available information; able to explain and offer advanced oral prevention and treatment solutions to the patient; able to remove plaque and tartar using various tools; able to provide infection and sterilization control.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Dental Hygiene4First levelRequiredGunta Nimma