Comparative European Social Policy (lusdk_214)
About Study Course
Analyse and apply social theories in the social work practice with children and youth, to use research data and results in modelling solutions of social problems.
Not applicable
Learning outcomes
Students will obtain knowledge that enable them to explain the European Union social dimension of social work practice with children and youth, to conceptualize the social policy issues (instruments) and its emergence in the European Union and member states related to social work practice with children and youth in EU.
Students will obtain skills that enable them to identify the main societal challenges and problems in social policy for children and youth in Europe. Students will obtain skills that enable them to analyze the key areas (employment policy; social protection; gender equality; living conditions; family policies; etc.) of the social policy for children and youth in EU and member states in a comparative perspective.
Competences that enable them to initiate, organize and apply/ implement quantitative and qualitative social research methods, data and results within interdisciplinary context in national and comparative policy context in social work with children and youth the EU member states.