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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Andrejs Vilks
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Juridical Science
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Law


To provide students of the Master’s study programme with knowledge of the current trends in the development of crime and the possibilities of preventing and combating crime.
To promote the students' understanding of the essence of crime, the determinants thereof, connection with other processes of social, legal, and political nature.
Students are able to carry out research in the field of crime awareness. Analyse criminological processes in a creative and constructive manner, substantiate their opinion.



Learning outcomes


Knowledge of criminological theories and schools, crime and other anti-social phenomena, determinants thereof, and learning about the criminal’s identity, theoretical and practical problems in preventing and combating crime.


Students acquire the skills and abilities to independently analyse different approaches, evaluating criminal phenomena and processes. Students have a broad understanding of the essence of crime, the determinants thereof, connection with other processes of social, legal, and political nature.


Students are able to independently forecast trends in the development of the criminogenic situation and to choose the best response methods. Students are able to carry out research in the field of crime awareness. Analyse criminological processes in a creative and constructive manner, substantiate their opinion.

Study course planning

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