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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Inga Kudeikina
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Juridical Science
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Law


The aim of the course is to provide students with in-depth knowledge, competences and skills in the important area of ​​law, social security and social assistance mechanisms, strategies and national development plan, social rights development in the European Union interdisciplinary issues related to EU social rights issues.
The course deals with the functioning of the European and Latvian social security structures and the most important laws and international documents.


Social Rights.

Learning outcomes


As a result of the course the students will have a deep nowledge of current legal issues in the field of EU social law. Students will be able to use the acquired knowledge as a basis for further research in law studies or in practice in social and health care. Students will also be able to incorporate and compile knowledge of various sub-disciplines in the field of EU social law, as well as to contribute to the creation of new knowledge, research and professional activities.


Students are able to identify legal problems in the field of EU social law. Students are able to apply the relevant legal norms in solving specific legal situations, prepare procedural documents, analyze problematic issues and give them independent and motivated assessment, propose a solution of the situation.Students will acquire the skills to find and use information from the Cabinet of Ministers, the European Economic and Social Committee, the State Social Insurance Agency, the Central Statistical Bureau, and to find the necessary laws (concepts, regulations, directives) for situations dealt with in the framework of social work.
After completing the course the student will be able to:
• use specialised websites for obtaining information: websites of the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Welfare, Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments, European Economic and Social Committee;
• select information in the databases of the SSIA and the Central Statistical Bureau;
• choose the most suitable / appropriate course of action for the particular legal situation;
• select and use laws and regulations: conventions, regulations, laws, social policy documents;
• use the concepts / terms referred to in European Union and Latvian legislation;
• present one’s views publicly (in the auditorium).


Students will acquire and improve their skills in orienting themselves in the European Union and Latvian social rights system and the EU institutional system and social policy documents; be able to analyse information compliance with legal requirements.
After completing the course, students will be able to use the acquired knowledge and skills in specific situations:
• use the acquired knowledge on sources of financing and usage thereof in the field of social security;
• able to formulate the jurisdiction of a particular practical (client) situation in the field of law;
• differentiate problems according to EU guidelines;
• analyse the data available in the databases of the SSIA, the Central Statistical Bureau;
• develop a summary of situation problems (an essay);
• substantiate the opinion with conventions, laws, and social policy documents;
• assess the jurisdiction of a particular situation and compliance thereof with laws and regulations.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Law Science, TZMa2Master’sLimited choice