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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Ilze Konrāde
Study type:Full time
Course level:Doctor
Target audience:Medicine; Psychology; Pharmacy
Language:English, Latvian
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine


In medicine and pharmacy: Assess the knowledge of the doctoral student, the ability to argue and explain the current scientific trends and classical paradigms in the sector, and discuss the scientific framework of the subject matter of the doctoral thesis.
In psychology: Assess the doctoral student's (1) ability to analyse and describe the developmental trends and regularities of modern psychology in a reasoned way, to formulate the problems of a certain topic in writing, using the scientific style, as well as to discuss these problems in a reasoned way; (2) the ability to explain and describe in an integrated way a certain topic of psychology orally, demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the issues of modern psychological theory and methodology, as well as to discuss this topic in a reasoned way.


A set of knowledge and skills corresponding to a medical education programme accredited in the Republic of Latvia, confirmed by a diploma issued by an educational institution for a master's degree in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, rehabilitation, nursing sciences, public health, biomedicine and psychology; a diploma issued by a foreign medical education – after the validation of diplomas.
Compulsory study courses in the doctoral study programme “Health Care”.

Learning outcomes


Analyse and describe the developmental trends and regularities of modern medicine and health sciences and psychology. Define the problems of a certain topic in writing. Analyse, explain and describe in an integrated way a specific topic of medicine, health sciences or psychology orally.


Demonstrate the ability to perform critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of a specific topic. Demonstrate the ability to create a text using a scientific style. In discussion, demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the issues of the theories and methodology of modern medicine and health sciences or psychology related to the topic of own work.


Discuss in a reasoned way both in writing and orally the modern achievements of the science in the sector and outlines the concept of own work and discusses it in accordance with the requirements of modern science.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Health Care (subprogramme Pharmacy), DVAf6DoctoralRequiredIlze Konrāde, Dace Bandere, Kristīne Mārtinsone
Health Care (subprogramme Pharmacy), DVAfeng6DoctoralRequiredIlze Konrāde
Health Care (subprogramme Medicine), DVAm6DoctoralRequiredIlze Konrāde, Dace Bandere, Kristīne Mārtinsone
Health Care (subprogramme Medicine), DVAmeng6DoctoralRequiredIlze Konrāde
Health Care (subprogramme Psychology), DVApseng6DoctoralRequiredIlze Konrāde
Health Care (subprogramme Psychology), DVAps6DoctoralRequiredIlze Konrāde, Dace Bandere, Kristīne Mārtinsone