Doctoral Seminar on Methodology and Techniques for Writing Doctoral Thesis (DN_178)
About Study Course
Develop the ability of the doctoral student to explain and justify the idea of his/her research work, the background of scientific evidence at the respective moment, and the research methodology chosen, as well as effective communication with other students in the small groups and the lecturer on the methods chosen, critically analyse recommendations, focus the research idea on interdisciplinary communication about other doctoral theses, implement respectful, complementary scientific understanding of supplementing other research directions.
The research experience of the Master's thesis, defended research work upon completion of the Master’s degree study programme.
The following study courses of the 1st year of study of the Doctoral study programme completed: “Research Methodology” and “Healthcare and Research Ethics”
Learning outcomes
The doctoral student uses appropriate terminology of scientific biology, medicine, pharmacy and/or psychology and demonstrates knowledge of the science sector, when describing methodology of their work; describes the types of scientific activities and steps for their implementation in accordance with the stage of the development of the thesis.
The doctoral student defines the methodological principles of their doctoral thesis; critically analyses the scientific literature related to their thesis; prepares a presentation on the subject matter of their thesis, including theoretical and methodological aspects; discusses strengths and weaknesses of their own and other doctoral students’ research methodology, based on various criteria: scientific novelty, topicality of the thesis, formulation of the problem and goal/precision/coherence, theoretical basis; prepares the bibliography of their thesis.
The doctoral student formulates the research project academically correctly, presents it, participates and maintains a scientific discussion on the subject matter of the doctoral thesis. Is able to maintain scientific discussion in an interdisciplinary environment, in the interaction between different areas of research.
Study course planning
Study programme | Study semester | Program level | Study course category | Lecturers | Schedule |
Health Care, DVA | 1 | Doctoral | Required | Ilze Konrāde | |
Health Care, DVAeng | 1 | Doctoral | Required | ||
Health Care (subprogramme Pharmacy), DVAf | 2 | Doctoral | Required | Ilze Konrāde | |
Health Care (subprogramme Pharmacy), DVAfeng | 2 | Doctoral | Required | ||
Health Care (subprogramme Medicine), DVAmeng | 2 | Doctoral | Required | ||
Health Care (subprogramme Medicine), DVAm | 2 | Doctoral | Required | Ilze Konrāde | |
Health Care (subprogramme Psychology), DVAps | 2 | Doctoral | Required | Ilze Konrāde | |
Health Care (subprogramme Psychology), DVApseng | 2 | Doctoral | Required |