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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Arta Bārzdiņa
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Nursing Science
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation; Clinical medicine


To teach students how to handle emergency situations of life, promote the acquisition of knowledge on intensive therapy in the most common emergency situations in obstetrics, teach basics of resuscitation and basics of advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation; to acquire basic knowledge of general and regional anaesthesia, its types and stages of surgery and anaesthetic risk of post-operative analgesia, including obstetrics specific anaesthesia and analgesia.


Completed required courses of previous academic years.

Learning outcomes


1.After completing the study course the students will be able to carry out a systematic evaluation of the patient (victim's) condition during the pre-hospitalisation stage, will be able to name and find the latest European guidelines on cardiopulmonary resuscitation for adults and children. Will be able to perform defibrillation, as well as inform about the role of cardiovascular and respiratory systems in the maintenance and regulation of vital functions. Will be able to talk about the importance of blood loss, soft tissue and support apparatus traumatic damage to the development of shock, and also will be able to apply the direct and indirect pressure methods in stopping bleeding. Will know the course of action for shock prevention in an emergency, will be able to name and describe the types of fractures, joint dislocations, tendon and muscle sprains and will be able to provide first aid to the victims to implement immobilisation. Will be able to name the adverse effects on the human body (overheating, hypothermia, frostbite) caused by the external environment harmful factors and provide assistance in cases of burns, overheating, hypothermia; name types of acute intoxication, their clinic and first aid in cases of acute poisoning. Will know how to perform manual airway management techniques, as well as be able to name the instrumental and surgical techniques. Will be able to name the anaesthetic techniques in obstetrics and tell the indications of their application. Will be able to name the advantages and limitations of childbirth epidural analgesia. Will be able to discuss the importance of assessing the patient's condition in the most common pregnancy complications from the point of view of anaesthesiologist-reanimatologist. Will be able to name the basic principles of a comatose patient care.


1.After completing the study course students will be able to perform basic and advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation measures as well as be able to perform heart defibrillation, ensure openness of patent’s airway with both manual and instrumental techniques. Will be able to stop the bleeding by applying direct and indirect pressure method will be able to assess a comatose patient's condition and provide assistance.


1.The student will be able to respond appropriately to the victim's vital functions disorders: perform initial (primary) and secondary investigations of the victim; provide medical first aid in the pre-hospitalisation stage, analyse the situation, using basic algorithms of resuscitation and other first-aid operational guidelines, will be able to assess the impact of environmental physical factors on the human body and health. Will be able to develop a competent action plan by assessing the vital indicators of a particular clinical situation in obstetrics; match it with the performance of other members of the health care system, analyse the situation, demonstrate individual treatment to every patient by balancing the general operational guidelines with a creative approach to each clinical case. Use argumentative, verifiable and scientific way of thinking when making decisions relating to patients' health or life.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Midwifery6BachelorRequiredArta Bārzdiņa