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About Study Course

Department: Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Health
Course supervisor:Ilana Osinska
Study type:Full time
Course level:First level
Target audience:Dentistry
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Dentistry


To develop students’ knowledge of the etiology, pathology, clinical presentation and treatment options for diseases affecting the pulp and periradicular tissue.
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of dental prosthetics, types of dental and dental jaw prostheses, their clinical manipulations and laboratory stages of manufacture.
To provide knowledge about dental hygienist manipulations and applicable procedures for patients with various types of dentures, as well as to provide knowledge about the care and storage of prosthetic equipment.
To acquaint with the harmful effects of low-quality dentures on the tissues of the oral cavity, bones and teeth, its prevention methods.


Dental anatomy, Oral histology and physiology, Oral pathology, Oral microbiology, Oral radiology, Dental hard tissue disorders.

Learning outcomes


1.After completing the course part "Endodontic" the student: will know the structure, blood circulation, innervation, functions of tooth pulp and periapical tissues, will be able to explain the pulp's response to dental procedures, will know the goals of root canal treatment. Understand the importance of channel preparation, temporary closure, filling and restoration. Will gain an understanding of the prognosis of endodontic treatment. Will know the relationship between endodontics and periodontal diseases, their differential diagnosis. will be able to explain endodontic treatment options in Latvia.
After completing the course part "Dental Prosthetics", the student will have an understanding and knowledge of the basic principles of dental prosthetics, types of dental and dental jaw prostheses, splints and mouth guards. Knowledge of clinical and laboratory manipulations in their manufacture. It will be possible to identify and name the types of dentures, as well as describe their main differences. The student will have knowledge about the care of prostheses and the most suitable care for them.


1.At the end of the course part "Endodontics" the student will be able to: to perform differential diagnosis of endodontic and periodontal diseases, to diagnose endodontic diseases if necessary, perform radiological examination, the patient send to an endodontist.
Completing the course part "Dental Prosthetics" student will be able to evaluate and recognize a quality prosthesis from a poor quality one. Will be able to briefly describe the mucosal pathologies associated with prostheses. Will be able to provide appropriate care for different types of dentures, choosing the appropriate tools and care products. Will be able to take a tooth impression with different impression materials, for the production of different types of splints and mouth guards.


1.The student is able to recognize pulp and periodontal pathology, understands the basic principles of treatment of endodontic diseases, is able to perform differential diagnosis of endodontic and periodontal diseases.
The student is able to perform the duties of a hygienist for patients with different types of dentures, the student is able to Explain and motivate patients of all ages how to care for different types of dentures and recommend suitable care products. Ability to evaluate bite, tooth and jaw ratios to take different types of tooth impressions. Ability to inform the patient about the proper use and care of splints, mouth guards.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Dental Hygiene3First levelLimited choiceIlana Osinska, Arnolds Bite