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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Maija Eglīte
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Pharmacy
Branch of science:Environmental Science


The aim of the study course is to learn the basic requirements for a healthy environment.


A background in chemistry, biochemistry, physics, microbiology and physiology is required.

Learning outcomes


As a result of studying the study course, the student will gain knowledge and understanding of the field of environmental health and will be able to:
- define environmental health goals, tasks and methods of use in practice;
- describe the physical, chemical, biological pollution of the air, their effects on the human body, detection methods, developed and implemented in the legislation of the pharmaceutical industry, principles of assessment and prevention;
- discuss water pollution, its effects on the human body, detection methods, standards developed and implemented in the legislation of the pharmaceutical industry, assessment and prevention principles;
- explain drinking water and distilled water acquisition, quality determination and evaluation and compliance for use in pharmaceutical production plants and pharmacies;
- to define the concept of rational nutrition, food poisoning classification, diagnosis, prevention, contamination of food products, food additives, nutritional supplements containing genetically modified organisms;
- describe the pollution of populated areas, the principles of beautification, the placement and planning of pharmacies and pharmaceutical production facilities in them;
- describe the occupational risk factors of pharmaceutical institutions and manufacturing plants, the classification and management of biologically active substance production waste.


As a result of learning the study course, the student will be able to:
- independently, critically analyze, apply ecological reasoning to justify one's opinion, and evaluate the role of environmental health in preserving and strengthening human health.


As a result of learning the study course, the student will be able to:
- determine and assess the microclimate, lighting, chemical pollution of various premises (health care facilities, pharmacies, pharmaceutical production, etc.)
- give recommendations and make decisions on reducing and eliminating harmful environmental factors;
- to determine and evaluate water quality, compliance with the requirements of pharmaceutical facilities, organize drinking water acquisition in extreme cases;
- regularly perform and analyze the sanitary and hygienic survey of various pharmaceutical facilities, revealing occupational risk factors harmful to human health;
- develop the necessary measures to reduce or eliminate harmful occupational factors, and are able to organize and manage their implementation, ensuring optimal interaction between the human body and the environment.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Pharmacy, FF4Master’sRequired