European Union in Global Political Economy (PZK_127)
About Study Course
This course is aimed at a conceptual and practical teaching and discussions on challenges for the EU and Member States, especially the small ones, in the modern global political economy. It addresses the EU both as an actor of international economy and as structure for implementation of state economic and political interests. Students are expected to develop understanding and knowledge and be able to trace the origins of various processes of international (global and regional) economic integration; be able to discuss basic features of international financial and monetary systems, and their implications for national economic policies and national economic development; and be able to discuss the influence of the European Union and its member states in the global economic system.
Basic knowledge of economic processes and concepts. Knowledge of international political relations.
Learning outcomes
• Students will develop an understanding of modern financial structures and their origins.
• Students will be able to identify major economic characteristics of the EU.
• Students will understand the implications of small state engagement in the global economic system.
• Students will be able to evaluate the monetary and fiscal policy of Latvia.
• Students will be able to trace the origins of various processes of international (global and regional) economic integration.
• Students will be able to discuss basic features of international financial and monetary systems, and their implications for national economic policies and national economic development.
• Students will be able to discuss the European Union institutions, their functioning and influence they provide for states in the global economic system.
• Students will have a general understanding of the influence of the European Union, global financial markets and business actors.
• Students will have understanding of the European Union institutions and decision making in the EU.
• Students will be able to analyse market phenomena in international politics and present their findings.
• Students will be able to present a coherent and well-argued position on global economic issues, and defend their views in debates.