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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Silva Rupaine
Study type:Full time, Part-Time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Social Welfare and Social Work
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time, Part-Time
Branch of science:Sociology; Social Politics and Organisation of Social Work


To promote students' understanding and encourage initiative to understand and implement evidence-based practice in social work.


According to the study program.

Learning outcomes


The nature and directions of evidence-based practice: (Evidence-based practice (EBP) and Evidence-based social work (EBSW)). Ways of obtaining and searching information. Selection of an electronic resource (database, website). Knows the types and hierarchy of evidence-based research. Creating a search formula. Search terms and wildcards. Preliminary research. Evidence as a tool for social work practice. Familiar with evidence-based practice steps. Criteria for creating a systematic review. Examples of evidence-based practice at micro, meso, macro levels. Identification of evidence. for solving a social case, developing social services in the community. Social case intervention based on evidence-based information. Ethics in evidence-based practice.


Digital competence sub-competence - ability to select information (information literacy), improvement of resolution:
Ability to find materials in both public search engines and publish evidence-based reports in various international citations. Ability to apply online databases, apply critical evaluation to the information found. Ability to include in the research report appropriate and substantiated research results. Ability to evaluate and substantiate the adequacy of foreign research data (inclusion or non-inclusion) in the field of Latvian social work. To improve the ability to select possible applicable evidence-based social work tools for problem identification, evidence identification, decision making.
Ability to create a systematic overview of the field of social work.
Ability to model a social case intervention plan taking into account the principles of evidence-based practice.


Students develop digital competence: to use evidence-based information resources in the field of social work.
Students develop the competence to think critically (evaluative): to evaluate the reliability and usefulness of the information found, its relevance to the research topic and the specific situation in practice at micro, meso and macro levels - search for social case solutions, decision making using research data.
Students develop the competence to understand the need to further develop and deepen the implementation of evidence-based practice in the field of social work.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Social work, SD3Bachelor’sRequiredSilva Rupaine, Daiga Šļahota, Daniel Markovič
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Social work, SDN4Bachelor’sRequired