Family Medicine (MDAK_327)
About Study Course
Learning outcomes
1.The student will gain knowledge about the principles of a healthy and ill child care in the GP's practice, the principles of nutrition of a healthy and ill child, educating the child and family or legal representatives, observing healthy lifestyle at different ages, injury prevention, vaccination principles and regulations, health promotion in reproductive age, physiology of breastfeeding and its performance, neonatal care in GP practice and corresponding normative regulations, provision of long-term care for chronic patients and corresponding normative regulations, development of motivation, prevention of chronic disease complications, primary health care principles in primary care and corresponding normative regulations, involvement of the public in promotion of a healthy environment, disease prevention in the practice of general practitioners.
1.The student will be able to assess and promote the child's physical, psychomotor, cognitive and social development in different age groups and recognise pathological changes, explain to the child and family or legal representatives the goals of drug therapy, predict possible drug-related side effects, evaluate drug effects and doses, promote basic principles of healthy nutrition and identify nutrition problems in different periods of the child's age, provide effective information to the child with health problems and his family or legal representatives, using appropriate methods according to the child's age, educate the child and his family or legal representatives about healthy lifestyle and health promotion, trauma and disease risk prevention; provide care of a newborn, recognise health risks and complications, provide psycho-emotional support to a woman after termination of a pregnancy, promote involvement of peers (support persons, family, legal representatives), educate family or legal representatives / individual in the context of maternal and child's health / reproductive health, to understand the basic principles of maternal and child's health care policy; to assess the most characteristic symptoms of chronic diseases, to know the necessary diagnostic methods and diagnostic criteria, as well as to know the principles of treatment, to understand complementary and alternative medicine and creative therapies in chronic diseases and patient care, to promote the necessary interdisciplinary cooperation in patient care. To help the patient acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for self-care by applying teaching methods and teaching materials in patient education, to evaluate the results of care of chronically cared for patients, to provide emotional support to patients with chronic diseases, to ensure continuity and sustainability of care for patients with chronic diseases; to identify health, psychosocial and economic risks in the individual's environment and family, including legal representatives, to assess the individual's health and physical and psychosocial problems, to plan and implement health promotion and disease prevention. Use teaching and coaching methods in educating an individual, know screening methods, manage and administer the vaccination process, implement long-term cooperation with the individual and his family or legal representatives, plan and advise the individual on quality of life according to his needs, participate in public health promotion and strengthening of health.
1.Using the acquired knowledge, the student will be able to provide evidence-based pediatric care; to provide maternal, child care and education of family or legal representatives in the context of reproductive health, to provide long-term care for patients with chronic diseases at all ages, to provide primary health care for persons of all ages.
Study course planning
Study programme | Study semester | Program level | Study course category | Lecturers | Schedule |
Nursing Studies | 4 | Bachelor | Required | Dagnija Brutāne, Anda Janeka, Inta Višņevska, Inita Stūre-Stūriņa | |
Nursing Studies | 4 | Bachelor | Required | Dagnija Brutāne, Anda Janeka, Inta Višņevska, Inita Stūre-Stūriņa |