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About Study Course

Department: Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Lolita Vija Neimane
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Linguistics

Learning outcomes


1. English language knowledge in the field of nutrition and the topics related to it in life long good health, as well as the terms in the field of nutrition and the ability to use it in the professional environment ( acquisition of terminology is evaluated in tests during the term, as well as in the examination, based on the themes and materials taken in the course).
2. Linguistically and grammatically correct usage of constructions ( is checked in oral tasks and written tests).


1. Ability to read and understand literature in their speciality in English ( is checked in tasks in practical classes).
2. Participate in discussions on speciality topics in English (speaking, dialogue, debates).
3. Find additional information in speciality literature, and be able to present the prepared topics, issues, questions and do it interactively (speaking, monologue, dialogue).
4. Sector-related written works (writing of an abstract, a summary and an essay).


1. English language knowledge in the field of nutrition, that will help to comprehend, communicate and cooperate when working in a group- agreement on a common/ deprecating opinion, by explaining and justifying their choice (is checked when giving a presentation about the chosen theme, as well as in pair/ group activities).
2. Interactive usage of different resources, (several professional, language, scientific and reference resources) working with informative and scientific literature (checked when making a presentation about the chosen theme, as well as in pair/ group activities and practical tasks).