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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Māra Pilmane
Study type:Full time
Course level:First level
Target audience:Dentistry
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Histology and Cytology


To develop general and specific understanding of human cells, tissues (epithelial, connective, muscle and nerve tissues) and structure of organs, especially those of head, face and neck (oral cavity, including tongue, teeth, lips, salivary glands, and sense organs), basic human development (fertilization, implantation, bi- and trilaminar embryo, placentation, development of three germ layers); of the main cellular, subcellular and molecular processes (induction, determination, differentiation and growth), and of processes at all stages of intrauterine development. Understanding of the necessity of this knowledge in practical work of dentists will be developed.


Cytology. It is advisable to acquire biology, anatomy, physiology and biochemistry simultaneously.

Learning outcomes


1.After successful completion of the study course the student will be able to:
• describe the main groups of human tissues and their research methods;
• present the main regularities of body tissue development in ontogenesis;
• explain the various compensatory and adaptive reactions of healthy tissues, applying them to significant deviations from the norm;
• describe the evaluation of morphological preparations and provide explanations on the compliance of the tissues seen in them with the norm;
• choose specific morphological research methods for specific groups of cells / tissues / organs.


1.• Identify face, jaw and neck structures in routinely stained histological slides;
• Detect microscopically primordia of the tissue and/or organs and approximate stage of their development; to recognize stages of development of the face, jaw, neck and sensory organs;
• Differentiate main tissue groups in histological/embryological slides and schemes; to evaluate the possible structure adequacy to the intrauterine stage;
• Work with special literature, to analyse prepared histological specimens;
• Prepare reports and give presentations on issues of histology.


1.Students will be able to recognize embryonic tissue and organ morphology and structure in clinical specimens and pictures of the science of morphology. They will be able to distinguish between healthy and pathological tissues generally and they will analyse variations at different stages of embryonic development particularly in oral mucosa and tooth structure. The students will be able to evaluate the quality and methods of specimens. They will be able to estimate the significance of various inducers on the developmental processes of the face with respect to postnatal life.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Dental Hygiene2First levelRequiredValērija Groma