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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Maruta Hoferte
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Midwifery; Rehabilitation; Information and Communication Science; Public Health; Sports Trainer; Clinical Pharmacy; Nursing Science
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine


To acquire knowledge about the need for physical activities during pregnancy and the importance of physical preparation during childbirth. To learn exercises to be applied to various physiological problems during pregnancy.


None required.

Learning outcomes


As a result of the study course acquisition students will know and be able to:
• tell about the impact and importance of exercise during pregnancy and after childbirth;
• name the physiological changes in the female body during pregnancy;
• recognize and correct changes in the motion support apparatus for pregnant women;
• list the conditions to be taken into account in the management of exercise for pregnant women;
• name the symptoms when pregnant women should stop exercising;
• formulate contraindications for gymnastics in pregnant women and for postnatal exercise;
• present postures and exercises during childbirth;
• justify her husband's role in the successful delivery of labor;
• explain what an active childbirth is and what its benefits are;
• characterize the role of water gymnastics in the preparation of labor and delivery in water;
• describe the postpartum period;
• define the importance and contraindications of postnatal exercise.


After completing this course, students will:
• be able to use special exercises to strengthen health during pregnancy and after childbirth;
• learn to use exercises that improve the well-being of a woman during pregnancy;
• be able to find out the wrong posture for a pregnant woman and make the posture adjustment;
• be able to use the acquired special breathing techniques for successful delivery of the birth;
• be able to use a variety of relaxation techniques during pregnancy and childbirth;
• gain an understanding of Kegel exercises and their application in practice;
• be able to develop their own exercise programme – strengthening the abdominal muscles, legs, arms, chest and back muscles;
• explain breathing techniques in childbirth and learn how to use them for their own and clients' needs;
• be able to detect Diastasis recti and correct it with special exercises;
• be able to explain the basic principles of gymnastics during different trimesters of pregnancy;
• be able to describe briefly the anus of the fetal anus and its corrective exercises;
• be able to use the right exercises for women after childbirth and Cesarean section;
• learn how to create a small exercise programme for the mother with the child.


On successful course completion the students can apply knowledge during their own pregnancy, as well as to advise their patients what is and is not recommended for pregnant woman.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Elective courses, C-kursi 1Free choiceMaruta Hoferte
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Elective courses, C-kursi 2Free choice