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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Olga Leontjeva
Course level:Doctor
Target audience:Management Science; Business Management
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Management; Business Management


With the help of theory and through practical classes to provide knowledge and an overview of the business and human resources management peculiarities in modern global environment, as well as to develop the students’ understanding of modern and topical human resources management methods, principles and challenges of today’s Europe and other regions of the world.


Basics of management science, strategic management.

Learning outcomes


Will gain knowledge of the nature and tasks of human resources and business management in modern Europe and other regions of the world, an overview of the human resources planning and selection principles, of the role of staff evaluation and motivation for successful entrepreneurship.


Will acquire skills to identify, explain, justify and apply modern business and human resources management methods according to the guidelines of the European Union and other world countries.


On successful completion of the course, the students will have understood the business and human resources management specifics in the companies of both the European Union and the other world countries, as well as will have acquired management skills in practical business and human resources management.

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