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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:3 / 4.5
Course supervisor:Baiba Rozentāle
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Public Health
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Infectious Diseases


The aim of the study course is to ensure the basis of infectology and the principles of limiting the spread of infectious diseases, to raise awareness of the possible impact of infectious diseases on the individual's quality of life, and on health care and public health in general.


Biology, Anatomy, Histology, Biochemistry, Parasitology, Physiology, Epidemiology, Microbiology, Virology, Immunology, Pharmacology and Internal diseases.

Learning outcomes


Students will be able to evaluate infectious diseases according to their importance for public health; will know the types of transmission and the characteristic symptoms of infectious diseases; develop a specific action plan to control infectious diseases.


Will be able to analyse documents of Latvia, the World Health Organization, the European Center for Disease Control and other institutions that are relevant to the field of health society; develop a plan for specific actions to control infectious diseases – plan and control the work of medical personnel, determining the content and form of the necessary preventive measures; to analyse normative documents in the context of infectology; be able to obtain epidemiological data in the field of infectious diseases and analyse the results obtained, to draw up an action plan for specific measures to limit the spread of infection; to work professionally with healthcare professionals and health care providers in the field of infectious disease control and health promotion, respecting medical ethics and respecting patients' rights, taking responsibility for independent learning and acting as a health promoter in the context of the choice of specific and non-specific methods of infectious disease prevention.


Will be competent to design a public health prevention program in the context of prevention and control of infectious diseases; to take appropriate action in the event of outbreaks of infectious diseases with the aim of limiting them; to act in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia and the European Union regarding infectious diseases.

Study course planning

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