International and Diplomatic Law (PZK_160)
About Study Course
To provide basic knowledge in public international law, clarify the main principles of contemporary international law, to explain reasoning of practice and interpretation of law in interstate relations, as well as to provide understanding of the principles of European Union law and institutional activity.
Students need general knowledge about the principles and concepts in theory of law, as well as politics and law.
Learning outcomes
Students will understand principal concepts of international law, and will be able to find appropriate law norms for specific situations, evaluate the legal situation, and compare various law institutions.
Students will be able to work with a large amount of information, which applies to specific legal situations, apply the use of legal interpretation methods, apply the use of international legal terms, and present their opinions.
Students will be able to apply their knowledge in practice, evaluate situations from specific legal aspects, provide arguments in disputes and logically explain legal situations from the point of view of international law.