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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Gunda Reire
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Political Science
Language:English, Latvian
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Political science


The objective of this study course is to expand knowledge on the role of international organisations and challenges in the contemporary international environment. We will focus on how international organisations institutionalise cooperation at the international level, including their creation, internal dynamics, and their complicated relationship with states in various issues. The course will cover operations of international organisations in a variety of areas such as collective security, trade, finance, promotion of democracy and human rights, regional integration, etc. The UN, WTO, IMF, OSCE and other organisations will be covered. In the context of international organisations, we will analyse values, interests and institutional mechanisms of international actors and use this knowledge to understand deeper international cooperation and conflicts in general.


General knowledge of theories and methods of international relations, as well as basic knowledge of post-World War II history.

Learning outcomes


1.The course will expand knowledge and provide general and comparative analysis of international organisations, their role and challenges they are facing in contemporary international environment. The course will give students an understanding of the theoretical and empirical aspects of the role of international organisations in international politics, including their impact on the practice of international cooperation and conflict, maintenance of international peace and security, international economic relations, etc.


1.During the course, students’ skills to apply theoretical knowledge about international organisations analysing their practical activities will be built by based on case studies of different international organisations.


1.The aim of the course is to train competence of students to the level they can freely analyse the role of international organisations in the international system, assess the implementation of their functions, as well as evaluate impact of the decision making of international organisations on international relations in the short and long term.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
International Governance and Diplomacy3Master'sLimited choiceGunda Reire
International Relations and Diplomacy3Master'sLimited choiceGunda Reire