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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Zanda Pučuka
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Medicine
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Paediatrics


In the Introduction to Paediatric Skills course, the student learns the structural and functional specifics of a healthy child’s body, the regularities of growth and development, the principles of health promotion in children from birth to 18 years of age.
The study course develops the necessary skills and attitudes to apply this knowledge when starting the Neonatology and Paediatric Diseases study programmes.


In the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences that develop students’ critical creative thinking skills, understanding of man as a living being and their role in the society;
In foreign languages (Russian, English or German, Latin);
In preclinical disciplines: human anatomy, physiology, cell and medical biology, microbiology, embryology, genetics, parasitology, medical and biophysics, medicinal chemistry, histology;
In medical terminology in Latvian, English, Russian and Latin.

Learning outcomes


1.After successful fulfilment of the requirements of the Introduction to Paediatric Skills study course, the student will have mastered knowledge, which will allow:
To describe the role of paediatrics in medicine, directions of its development, the state of children’s health in Latvia; describe the stages of childhood; explain the importance of anamnesis and the specifics of taking anamnesis in childhood, the growth and physical development of a healthy child, as well as the motor development of a child at different ages; describe the psychosocial development, perception, language and personality formation of a child; explain the principles of health promotion.
To describe the structural and functional features of the digestive system in children, examination methodology and semiotics.
To describe the specifics of the haematopoietic system at different ages.
To describe the development of the nervous system during the antenatal period and its development after birth, its structural specifics in childhood; mental development, criteria for assessment thereof; motor development of children.
To describe psychosocial development, perception, language development; personality formation, criteria thereof.
To describe the anatomical and physiological features of the renal and urinary tract systems in children of different ages.
To describe the features of the cardiovascular system in children and the specifics of the examination of this system in children.
To explain the physiology of puberty; sexual differentiation; to understand the assessment of sexual development in children.
To explain the regulation of growth processes at different ages.


1.To formulate key words, orient in textbooks and online databases to find the necessary information about a healthy child.
To examine a healthy child and draw conclusions from the results; take measurements to assess the child's physical activity.


1.The student will be able to find the age-appropriate form of contact with the child, take anamnesis, perform a clinical examination assessing abnormalities, document the results in a patient examination report and notify colleagues about it, using accepted medical terminology, observing ethical principles and requirements of personal data protection.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Medicine6Master'sLimited choiceIlze Grope, Ieva Puķīte, Sandra Derkevica, Roberts Lovčinovskis, Jurgita Gailite, Zanda Pučuka