Introduction to the Profession, Study Thesis (SUUK_246)
About Study Course
Motivate students to learn their chosen profession of senior sports coach. Provide basic information about study process at RSU and the organization of systems related to health, physical activities and sports in the country and to carry out independent research, to analyze and interpret literature, the provision of the research literature base and research of the problem in the selected scientific topic in health sports, justifying the importance of the topic, setting the research goal, tasks, hypothesis, using research methods.
Interest in sports, healthcare and wellbeing industries.
Learning outcomes
Knows the goals of the chosen profession, legal aspects of tasks, structure of Latvian sports organizations, is familiar with the study process at RSU. Student knows about computer system instructions, security of information and communication systems, data security and computer security programs. Knowledge about the importance and essence of study thesis, and research structure. Understanding the interrelationships of health sports, current problems in fitness and the possibilities of solutions. Knowledge of the development of research in health sports. Knowledge of the principles of searching and structuring information sources.
Is famililar with the structure of the Latvian sports organization and the regulatory documents of RSU studies. Ability to research and interpret literature, to obtain information on current topics and issues in fitness and health sports.
Accordingly applies the laws and regulations related to higher education and sports in Latvia, as well as the RSU study regulatory documents. After successfully finishing the course student will be able to justify their opinion and argue based on the collected information about the subject of the study program and the topic of the study course.