Management of Pathological Pregnancy (DUGK_007)
About Study Course
To promote the acquisition of knowledge about the aetiology, pathogenesis, symptomatology, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the main pathologies of pregnancy, to understand the tactics of pregnancy management, the application of examination methods, the impact of pathologies on the course and outcome of pregnancy, to acquire the necessary practical skills for the application of this knowledge.
Learning outcomes
1.Can describe basic antenatal care, screening for genetic and other diseases, characterise the course of normal and abnormal pregnancy: spontaneous termination of pregnancy up to 22 weeks of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, trophoblastic diseases, post-term pregnancy, intrauterine growth restriction, assessment of foetal condition during pregnancy, TORCH infections in pregnant women, isoimmunisation during pregnancy, bleeding during pregnancy, hypertensive complications during pregnancy, systemic diseases during pregnancy. Explain the clinical pharmacology of drugs used in perinatal care. To identify and describe the indications and methods of termination of pregnancy up to 22 weeks of pregnancy.
1.As a result of completing the study course, students are able to independently assess deviations from normal course of pregnancy, draw up an examination plan in case of abnormal pregnancy, justify the need and informativeness of examinations, are able to provide advice to a pregnant woman about the impact of pregnancy pathologies on the course of pregnancy, the state of health of the mother and the foetus, are able to explain the choice of drugs commonly used in treatment and the effects on the mother and the foetus.
As a result of completing the study course, students have learned and practically know how to apply the following skills:
• to collect the reproductive history of a pregnant woman, identify and explain the risk factors of pregnancy;
• to determine the period of pregnancy and the correspondence of foetal development to the period of pregnancy;
• know how to evaluate the intrauterine state of health of the foetus and identify deviations from the norm;
• are able to prescribe and explain the need for examinations and interpret the results for a pregnant woman during antenatal care in the case of a normal and abnormal pregnancy;
• know how to prescribe therapy in case of pregnancy pathology;
• are able to interpret the results of genetic screening.
1.As a result of acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge, the student is able to:
• perform basic antenatal care;
• perform antenatal care in case of pregnancy pathology.
Study course planning
Study programme | Study semester | Program level | Study course category | Lecturers | Schedule |
Midwifery | 5 | Bachelor | Required | Dace Rezeberga, Elvita Penka, Anna Miskova, Zane Rostoka |