Master Thesis (LUSDK_042)
About Study Course
Department: Department of Welfare and Social Work
Credit points / ECTS:5 / 7.5
Course supervisor:Lolita Vilka
Target audience:Social Welfare and Social Work
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Sociology
To develop students abilities: to adapt theoretical knowledge, systematize, analyze and evaluate scientific literature according chosen topic; to deepen knowledge of different areas of social work; to develop abilities to choose appropriate research areas, scientific literature.
To pass social research methodology
Learning outcomes
Knowledge about scientific texts analysis in different perspectives, contradictions, alternatives; knowledge about research process and specifics.
Student demonstrate that s/he able to assess critically not only others but also her/his reasoning.
Will be able to anlyze different social aspects and issues to choose a research topic; develope ability to conduct a research on chosen topic.
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