Master’s Thesis (VPUPK_058)
About Study Course
Improve the understanding of research and the skills of magistrates to develop their own research project, including detailed justification and implementation process, planned data collection and processing procedures; assess potential risks and threats of the planned study; describe the ethical aspects of the study.
Study courses acquired: "Research Methodology", "Professional Activities".
Learning outcomes
Understand, compare and critically evaluate different theoretical guidelines and research results in relation to the subject of the study; understand the requirements for the development of the Master's work.
Formulate research challenges, select and critically assess literature sources according to the topic, justify the focus and problem of the study, define the purpose of the study and the question(s)/hypothesis(s), choose a study methodology that is relevant to the purpose of the study, describe the planned data analysis methods in accordance with the ethical rules of the study, assess the risks and hazards of the potential study.
Plan independently a study in line with the basic principles and ethical standards of research and present a study project.